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"I'm no different than you, Shae, I'm just a man. My feelings work the same as yours do. The only difference is, I make my living on a stage, but I'm not special... I've become well known because of all 7 of us, I wouldn't be where I am without the rest of them. And yes, we have Army, and we love all of them, they are loyal, and have brought us to the success we have now...but I don't want any of them. I want you. Only you."


More then anything, I just wanted to be happy. Happy that the man I thought I would have only in my dreams had just told me that he loved me.

But it wasn't that easy. He was an idol, and his life belonged to his career. I knew he would never stay with me. He couldn't, even if he wanted to. Besides, he'd said himself that he couldn't be without the others, he'd miss them too much.

But I was too tired to think anymore. I just wanted him to hold me, and I didn't want to worry about what was going to happen when it was time for him to leave. He was here with me now, and that was all that mattered.

"It's late. We should try to get some sleep," he said gently, a sad smile on his face.

I nodded, and he let go of me, then stood, and helped me up. 

Not letting go of my hand, he stepped around the side of the bed, and sat. He bent, untying my sneakers, then his own, pulling them off. I kicked mine off, and as soon as I did, he pushed them out of the way, pulling me in between his legs, wrapping his arms around me. He leaned his head on my chest, putting his ear against me, listening to my heart pound. I was breathless, just wanting to be in his embrace.

"Taehyung, can you hold me...please."

He backed up so I could get onto the bed, and lay next to him. His arms were around me, and that was all I needed. 

He kissed my forehead, and I pressed my lips to his neck. 

He always smelled amazing, and I couldn't control my hunger for him. I kissed a trail from his neck, up to his ear, then along his jawline, hearing his breathing quicken, as I reached the corner of his mouth. 

I moved to his lips, kissing him softly, before biting his bottom lip. He groaned, as his hands moved into my hair, grabbing it so he could control my head, pulling it back, and pressing his lips to mine. 

My lips parted as he slid his tongue inside, and I tried to fight urge to suck it in, but it was too strong, and he moaned into my mouth as I sucked his tongue in farther, before letting it go, and sliding mine thru his lips, exploring his mouth, tasting every crevice, before pulling away to catch my breath.

He was looking at me, breathing hard, and I saw things I couldn't quite name in his eyes...they were dark, but also light, happy, but also sad, filled with rage, but also filled

I wanted him. I knew he knew it. 

We couldn't remove our clothes fast enough. 

I took his hand, pulling him to me, wanting to touch him everywhere. I traced a path with my fingertips from his ear, down his neck, along his collarbone, then down, scraping my fingernails lightly along his skin. 

I felt him shiver, as I slid a finger over his nipple, feeling it pebble under my touch. I leaned my head down, flicking my tongue across it, hearing him gasp, as his hand tangled in my hair. 

I kissed my way across to the other side, treating it the same way as the first, but he stopped me after a few seconds, sliding his other hand into my hair, pulling me back up, crushing my lips with an all consuming kiss. 

He was biting and sucking, moving my head as he wanted, twisting his lips across mine, and finally stopping out of necessity, needing a minute to breathe. His lips were swollen, and red, and I wondered if mine looked the same.

I took advantage of his breathlessness, pulling him back to the bed, where I sat down with him standing in front of me. 

I slid my hand down his stomach, letting a finger slide into his bellybutton, then running my fingers down, lower, until I reached his hardness, holding it in my hand, stroking it, and I glanced up, seeing him watching me. 

I heard his sharp intake of breath as I lowered my head, taking him in my mouth, my tongue sliding back and forth along the underside, as I took as much of him in as I could, before sliding back up, slowly.

Before I knew what was happening, he had pushed me back onto the bed, using his legs under mine to slide me back, so that he could kneel between mine. Then he was above me, his arms on either side of my head, as he stared into my eyes. 

He lowered himself, his body pressing into mine, and I could feel his erection pressing against me as he bent his head to kiss me, his lips soft, still swollen. He had gone down on his elbows, and his weight from the waist down was on me, but I loved how it felt. I felt safe, protected, and like nothing could ruin this moment.

Then, he raised himself back up, using his knee to spread my legs more, as he slowly entered me, stopping at one point, as I raised my hips, wanting all of him. 

His eyes were closed, his head tipped back slightly, his breathing ragged as he tried to take his time. 

Finally, he sunk his full length into me, pumping slowly as I squeezed myself around him. 

My arms slid around, my fingers feeling the muscles in his back and shoulders tensing as he held himself up. I started to feel the fire building in my center. I wanted this to last longer, but at the same time, I didn't. 

I moaned when he started moving faster. My nails dug into his back as I felt myself being pulled into the spinning vortex of ecstasy, until finally, my head tipped back, pressing into the bed underneath me, and my hips moved all on their own. 

I shook underneath him, as I felt him tense up, slowing his pace. I came back down to earth just in time to look up at him, seeing his jaw set, his teeth clenched, his eyes looking right into mine, before he finally let out a string of expletives, his body jerking in response to his release. His head went back, as my hands slid down his back, my fingers feathering along the curve of his ass, then back up.

He lowered himself onto me, and I felt his warm breath against my skin, as he pressed little kisses on my neck. I closed my eyes, loving the feel of his lips against my skin.

"I should probably move, I'm sure I'm heavy." He whispered after a few minutes. 

I didn't want him to move yet.

"Don't" I tightened my arms around him, then, for added measure, I wrapped one leg over the top of his.

I felt him smile against my neck.

"I love you, Shae..." he whispered.

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