No More Dream

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"And also because... I've decided to grant your request, and it scares the hell out of me..."


He didn't look away, but continued to look into my eyes, and I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. I was sure he could hear it to.

I licked my lips, which were suddenly extremely dry, and I saw him swallow. Then he leaned towards me, and I saw his tongue dart out to wet his own lips before my eyes closed all on their own, and I felt his lips gently touching mine.

Angels are singing, I'm not even kidding, I can hear them clear as day.

The world around me exploded into a million tiny hearts with fluttering wings, all closing in on me and threatening to suffocate me in the sweetest way possible, and I wasn't even afraid.

As he pulled away, I felt myself lean towards him a bit, not wanting it to end.

I opened my eyes, and he was looking at me, a smile on his face.

"Lets get our ice cream, so we can go back home, and I can have my first lesson..." He said, wiggling his eyebrows at me, with a goofy smile on his face.

How is it that he knows just what to say and how to say control the raging inferno I feel threatening to consume me from the inside out.

I bit the inside of my lip, shaking my head, a smile forming. 

"Thank you"

"For what?" He asked, his lips pursing into a pout.

"For being you..."

I hopped outta the car and headed towards the window, trying to decide what I wanted to order. Taehyung caught up, grabbing my hand in his, and I held on to it because I knew one day very soon, I'd have to let him go.

I drove back home, trying to eat my chocolate dip top cone without making a mess, as Taehyung neatly devoured his vanilla cone with chocolate sprinkles, not getting a drop on himself. 

I was glad I was driving, because it forced me to concentrate on that, rather then on Tae, next to me, licking his ice cream cone.

I parked in the driveway, and we got out, heading for the door, as I fumbled for my keys to unlock it. Taehyung took them from me, letting us in and closing the door behind him. He set my keys down, smiled, and walked towards the bathroom.

I headed for the kitchen to get a towel, so I could clean up the ice cream and topping that had fallen onto the front of my shirt and God knows where else.

You should know better then to get a dip top cone, you always make a mess. But they're so good!

I was at the sink, wetting the towel and dabbing at the chocolate spot on my t-shirt, thinking that ice cream had been a good idea. 

Suddenly Taehyung was right behind me. He had me between the sink and him, with no where to go. He looked over my shoulder, and took the towel from my hand. He wet it again, and then put his other arm around my waist, his hand flat against my stomach, holding me against him, as he dabbed at the spot on my shirt. 

I had stopped breathing the second his hand came into contact with my stomach. The spot was almost right in the middle, right between my breasts, so as he moved his arm to dab at it, it brushed across one breast, and my head involuntarily leaned back against his shoulder. I could feel my nipple straining against my bra. 

I had long ago forgotten how that felt.

He finished with the towel, and dropped it in the sink, turning me to face him, but not releasing me. 

"You have some chocolate on your face, right... there." 

He pointed near the corner of my mouth, and I attempted to raise my hand to wipe it away, but he caught it in his before I could.

He leaned forward and I saw his tongue slide from between his lips as he very deliberately licked the chocolate from my cheek. 

My knees buckled, and my arms reached for something to hold, instinctively going around him. He slid his arms around me, holding me close, and his tongue moved from my cheek to my lips, which were parted slightly. He ran the tip of his tongue along my lower lip, causing me to part them more, before finally crushing his lips to mine, his tongue entering my mouth, moving in a passionate dance with mine. 

He tasted like vanilla ice cream, and something else I couldn't put my finger on. I held onto him as his lips moved against mine, his tongue exploring the inside of my mouth, and I knew, without a doubt, that this wasn't a dream. My heart was beating so loud it was all I could hear.

His arms were around me, his lips against mine, and I needed him. 

It was at that moment that my age became just a number. It didn't matter, all that mattered was him. Nothing else.

He slowly pulled his lips from mine. We were both breathing hard, and he moved back a step, releasing his hold on me, giving me room but holding my hands in his. He looked into my eyes, and I looked right back. I tried to slow my breathing down, drawing in a deep breath and releasing it slowly. 

I could feel my heartbeat calming down slightly. I looked down. Big mistake. 

Oh my God. 

I needed to sit down. I wasn't so sure I could make it to a chair, but I cautiously stepped away from him, as he let go of my hands. I drew in a breath, trying to steady my breathing, and walked into the living room, taking a seat on the couch. A few seconds later, he joined me, sitting next to me.

And this was just a kiss...dear lord in heaven, how will you survive anything else!

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice sounding deeper then I remembered.

I started to nod, but then quickly changed my mind, and instead shook my head, because in all honesty, I was not okay.

I suddenly realized something. I looked at him, only to see that he was watching me.

"Are you sure you need me to teach you anything... because I'm starting to think you made that up"

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