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I ran out of the hall, tears streaming down my face. It was raining heavily but I didn't care. When I reached my car I was completely wet. I got in the car and started to drive. I didn't know where I was going. I couldn't drive, tears were making my vision blur. Suddenly, I saw a bus hiting my car and then everything became black.


Today I was marrying my best friend. I and she was dating for 4 years. She helped me a lot after my break up with Selena. It was a hard breakup and I still wasn't over it completely. I liked my best friend,Hailey a lots but I could never love her and she knew it very well. My mother forced me to marry her. She thought that only she could make me happy. I didn't argue. I knew Hailey's feelings and I couldn't hurt her. So,now Hailey,my soon to be wife, wearing a beautiful wedding gown was standing before me,she was beautiful but she wasn't her. It was the time to say "I do" part.
Alfredo was sitting near the stage. His phone rang. As soon as he picked up the phone,he started panicking.

"What?!!!How?!! Is she alright" he asked someone on the phone.
"Okay I'm coming Mandy" he said

As soon as he used the word "Mandy". I knew that it was about Selena. My heart sanked. I came down the stage and ran after Alfredo. When he noticed me, he stoped.

"What happened to her?"I said panting.
"Why do you care?"he said gritting his teeth.
He was still angry with me for hurting Selena. But this was least of my worries right now.

I gripped his collar tightly.
"I asked what happened to her" I yelled.
"She is dying,you bastard"he shouted.
"Wha---at?" My voice cracked.
"Yes,she's dying!! Now get off me!"He yelled furiously.
I let go of his collar.
"Please take me to her ,please" I begged.
He looked in my eyes and sighed.
"Okay, come" he said.
I followed him like a lost puppy, my eyes brimming with tears.

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