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Justin's PoV

If I said that I was enjoying each second of her presence,then it would be a complete lie because I was loving it.

Her hair, her scent, her skin,everything was a pure perfection. She was perfection.

"You are perfect" I said kissing her hair.

She looked up at me.

"That's not true"
"It is, love. To the whole you might not be perfect but to me only you are perfect"
"Aww baby, I love you" she said and smashed our lips together. Her lips were as soft as petals of flowers and as juicy as fruits. I love them.

We pulled away panting. I pushed stray hair of hers out of her face and stared in her eyes.

"You are magical Selena. It's like I'm under magic. I can't go away from you. When I'm far from you I can't be myself, It's like I'm missing something and that's you Selena. I love you. I love you so much that you can't even imagine my love for you" I said cupping her cheek and staring in her eyes.

She leaned in to my touch and came more closer to me.

"Same goes for you Jay. For past five years, I've been dreaming about you every night. I tried to be with someone else but it didn't feel right. It was like I was betraying you. Whenever I'd see you with some model chick or that Hailey, I'd cry all night but didn't have courage to call and tell you. I love you too baby forever" she said cupping my face.

"Forever will be ours baby" I said kissing her forehead.

Our lovely moment was interrupted by ringing of Selena's phone.

"Don't pick up. Tonight I want only two us" I said nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck. She just hummed in reply. But again that damn phone rang.

"Baby, maybe momma is calling.I should pick up" she said pouting, oh I couldn't deny this so I gave in with just a eye roll.

She picked her phone but didn't answer it. Instead, she started looking at me.

"Who is it?" I asked.
"It's Niall" she replied nervously and anger boiled inside me. He ruined us again,that son of a b****.

I didn't reply and stood up. Selena instantly grabbed my hand.

"Baby, please wait. Let me explain,please" she said.
"No, I should go. You can talk with him" I said.
"No, please "

I looked at her and my heart clenched seeing her watery eyes.

"Wait here. Listen here. She is your love after all" my heart said.
"No,go. She'll lie" my mind argued.

But as you all know that in fight of heart or mind, heart always win so that time heart won again. I sighed and sat next to her. She came close to me and intertwined her fingers with my fingers.

"Trust me jay, he is my friend only."
"But he kissed you" I murmured.
"It was just because I asked him to and now he is probably calling me to ask about that kiss"
"Why did you do that?"
"I was jealous. You were acting all lovey dovey with Hailey. I was angry so I did what came to my mind"
"What about that cafe?"
"Jay, I wanted to spend time with you that day but Niall came and surprised me. It was just a friendly lunch" she clarified and suddenly I felt guilty for shouting at her and bringing Hailey with me. Ugh, I'm so stupid.

"I'm sorry Sel, for shouting at you that day and bringing Hailey with me. I just felt really jealous about the fact that he was spending time with you and I wasn't. I'm sorry"
"You are forgiven" she said and rested her head on my shoulder.

I looked down at her. She really was an epitome of beauty. Her black hair ,her brown lovely eyes and her juicy lips.

"You know you looked really pretty today" I whispered and her cheeks turned pink. She just smiled and turned her gaze to me.

"And you look hot. You should wear suits more often"
"Your wish is my command" I said and she giggled. I love her giggles.

"Tonight, stars are so beautiful" she muttered
"Not more than you" I whispered.
"Okay okay. Mr cheesy. But come on, look at that star. It is shinning very brightly" she said pointing her finger at some star.

I glanced at sky and followed the direction of her finger,that star really was beautiful.

"It really is" I admitted.
"Let's name it as our star. Whenever,we'll be far away from each other and miss each other then we'll look at that star and remember our good memories.Let's name it as jelena" She said.
"Sweetheart, we'll never be far from each other" I said bringing her more closer to me, if that was even possible. She didn't reply and put her head against my chest.

For about ten minutes, we remained like this. Just enjoying each other's company. And then Selena yawned.

"You tired" I mused her.
"Guess so"
"Let's go" I said carrying her bridal style and she squealed. I carried her in her house.

"Baby, I think you have gained some weight" I joked as I carried her upstairs and she playfully slapped my arm.

Once we reached in her room, I put her down.

"We should change our clothes" she said and walked into her bathroom I just laid down on her bed as I didn't have any pajamas with me.

She came back with her makeup wiped off and trust me she looked more beautiful than before.

"You didn't change?"
"Do I have clothes?"
"Oh, but you'll be uncomfortable"
" I know that's why I'll sleep in my boxers" I said winking.
"What baby? I don't have any choice,do I?"
"Ugh,okay. Now leave. I want to change"
"You can change in front of me. It's not like I've never seen you naked before" I chuckled and she became red as tomato.
" You pervert!!" She said and walked into her closet. I quickly stripped and laid under sheets.

After few minutes, she came back wearing  cute pink pjs. She looked cute as hell.

I saw her checking me out, her gaze went from my face to my arms and then to my abs,oh my baby liked my body.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" I said and she came out of her trance.
"I wasn't checking you out" she said.
"Keep denying love!"

She just rolled her eyes and laid down next to me. I quickly wrapped my arms around her and pulled her near me.

"I'm half naked but you are fully dressed,that's not fair" I teased.
"So, what do you want me to wear? A lingerie"
"That'll work" I joked.
"Jayy!!" She squealed and I laughed.
"I love you" I said kissing her hair and inhaling the scent of her.
"I love you too"

I sighed contentedly. And we both drifted to sleep dreaming about each other.

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