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Justin's PoV

Hurt was evident in her brown orbs. At that moment I wanted to kill that person who hurt her but I couldn't kill myself. I mustered up all my courage and addressed her


She didn't reply and turned her head away from me. I stood up and take small steps towards her.

"Baby, listen to me" I said almost whispering.
"DON'T YOU DARE COME NEAR ME!" She shrieked.

I flinched at her tone. I had never seen her so much angry.

"It's not my fault" I tried to explain myself.
"No, Sel"
"I SAID GO AWAY YOU BASTARD" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

By that time she was crying hard and breathing heavily, and I wanted nothing but pull her closer to tell her that everything would be alright but I couldn't do it.

"Please Sel breathe ,don't take stress, it's not good for your health" I said desperately.

"GO AWAY!!!" She yelled.

I had no option so I left the room. I couldn't leave her alone and she didn't want me near her so I called Alfredo to come and take care of her as Mandy was still in Texas.

I was so much angry with myself even tho it wasn't my fault. But still I was the reason of her tears and this feeling was killing me inside. I wanted to shout and let all my anger out but I couldn't do it here. So, I just pulled my hair in frustration.

After an hour, Alfredo approached. I didn't tell him about Hailey as I didn't want him to give me a lecture.I just told him that I had some important work to do. He just nodded his head but I knew he wasn't convinced.

Selena's PoV

I woke up when I heard sound of something breaking. I let my eyes wandered to see what thing had broken but they stopped at the most heartbreaking sight ever for me, Justin and Hailey kissing. I wanted to say something but words didn't come out. So I just stare at them. And then his eyes met mine. I swear I saw something in his hazel eyes but I couldn't comprehend what it was. He tried to explain me the situation but I didn't let him. I was so much angry and heartbroken at that time that I couldn't understand anything.

I heard door opened and snapped my head towards it. I thought it was Justin but it was Fredo and I felt disappointment creeped in me. But then I quickly reminded myself that I was angry and that feeling washed away.

"Hey, Sel"
"Hi, Fredo"
"How are you doing?"
"That's great" he said smiling.

Alfredo didn't say a single word about Justin and I find it kinda weird.

Justin's PoV

I drove myself to my house and by the good luck my Mom wasn't here. It's not like she lived here but she didn't miss a chance to come visit me.

I entered my room and screamed at the top of my lungs to let the frustration out. But that wasn't enough, so I got up and began smashing my furniture and other things in anger. When I was tired, I stopped assaulting my furniture and sat in corner. Tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't stop it. Oh, Love hurts. They say it right.

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