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Selena's PoV

It was very dark inside. It scared me. Maybe, he wasn't home. But if he wasn't at home then the security would have told me. I switched on my phone's torch.

"Jayyy" I shouted
"Are you home?"

No response but I heard some voices from lounge. Before walking towards lounge, I searched for light's button. I switched it on when I found it. Lights began to glow and the scary house started to look like a normal house again.Thank God!

I walked towards lounge and my eyes widened when I saw Justin lying lifelessly on couch. Three bottles of alcohol were also there. Out of which 2 were empty and one was in the hands of Justin.

"What the hell Justin?!" I shrieked.

He said nothing and just glared at me. I tried to took the bottle from his hand  But he yanked my hand away.

"Justin, why the hell you are drinking?! I told you to stop it! It's dangerous for you!" I said furiously.

He let out a bitter laugh and got up from couch. He placed the bottle at the floor and came dangerously close to me.

"You!You are the reason!" he yelled at me.

I was scared of him. I had never seen him this angry.

"Wha_aat?" My voice cracked due to fear.

"Yes, you heard it right! You are the reason!You betrayed me!" He again yelled.

"What are you talking about?"I said mustering all my courage.

He gripped me and pushed me against the wall.

"Am I not enough for you?!" He shouted.
"You are Justin"
"Then why did you need niall?!"
"Yeah!I saw you today! You ditched me for that scum bag!"
"Justin it's not like that" I said,now crying.
"Yeah, now cry so that I'd believe you. Selena this trap is old one." He said angrily.
I started pushing him and punching him on his chest. He caught my wrists.

" I hate you, I hate you Justin" I yelled.
"Oh, of course now you have niall! Why would you love me!"
His grip tightened and his nails dug in my skin.
"It hurts" my voice cracked.

He immediately left my wrists and ran upstairs. If it was some other day, I would go after him. But right now I was so much hurt. I couldn't believe that Justin would think this low about me. He thought that  I cheated on him. I knew he loathed niall but still he didn't have any right to accuse me without any proof. Right then, I was shivering from fear and crying. I immediately gathered my things from floor and ran out.

I unlocked my car, got in and drove to my house. Whole ride, I was crying but fortunately I didn't have any other accident and reached home safe.

I parked my car in garage and ran inside. My whole face was covered with tears. I quickly went upstairs praying that my mom wouldn't see me like this and she didn't.

Once I entered in my room,I locked the door. I slid down on the floor and broke down into tears. Justin really hurt me today. He accused me of cheating on him,on him! When he knew it too damn well that I love him so much. That night I cried for hours.

Justin's PoV

I drank to take all the pain away but my heart was still in pain. I drank bottle after bottle,but that scene didn't fade away. I wanted to cry but tears weren't coming out. They betrayed me too.

I don't know when my front door opened and she stepped in. She called me but I didn't reply. She came towards me but this time I didn't feel happiness in my viens. It felt nothing.

She yelled at me for drinking and this made me angry. I had never crossed my limits with Selena. But today my anger wasn't in my control. Anger took the best out of me and I did what I never wanted to.

It was a monster that came out of me. But that monster faded away in a second when she said "it hurts". At that time, I saw fear in her eyes and it felt like someone had stabbed me right in the heart. I quickly got away from her and entered in my room. I stood against window that gave me perfect view of garage where she stood. She was crying and shivering. I controlled my burning urge to go hug her. Then she left.

I turned around and saw darkness in my room and in my soul too. Because for me, my only source of light was Selena.My heart, my breath but I was nothing for her but a second option.

I walked towards my bed and fell on it with my shoes on and without changing clothes. I stared at ceiling mindlessly.

"I love you so much, Sel. I can never stop loving you" I don't know to whom I said this but I knew that this statement is very much true.

A stray tear fell on my cheek which was soon followed by streams of tears. I had never cried for anyone but Selena. That night I didn't get any sleep but  and my sobs echoed in my room whole night.

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