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Justin's PoV

I was super happy that Selena and I were together again. I  was angry with Selena but now after seeing her treating my hand with such care made me realize that she loves me and after this realization my anger was subsidised.  I still had many questions which I was going to ask her any other day because that night I just wanted to enjoy her presence.

I pushed my hands in my pockets and began walking downstairs. Fortunately, nobody noticed me. I was about to leave the hall when someone hooked her arm with me, and that girl was Hailey. I quirked my eyebrows at her,

"What? Aren't you taking me home" she said.
"No" I replied flatly and freed my arm from her grip. I didn't turn to look at her and came out of hall . Instead of calling my driver, I myself walked to parking area. It didn't took me long to spot my car out. My driver was leaning against the car using his phone. I reached him and cleared my throat. He noticed me and immediately stood straight. He opened the back door and I hopped in.

"No, take me to Selena's house" I said and he looked at me through mirror. I knew he was confused as hell because for five years he didn't see me with Selena. And now out of blue, I asked him to take me there. He didn't question me and started the car. Throughout the journey, I was smiling remembering what had happened earlier.

Selena's PoV

I came downstairs trying hardest I didn't get notice by people and by my good luck I succeeded. I went to washroom to wash my dress. I washed it quickly. It was hard to get all the stains removed but most of them were removed due to my good washing skills. I inspected my dress, it was presentable.

I looked in mirror,everything was fine  But my lipstick was smudged slightly. Still I refreshed all of my makeup, after all I was going to meet Justin, I needed to look good. I again saw my reflection in mirror. That time I was satisfied, so I grabbed my purse,phone and came out of the washroom.

I let my eyes wander in search of Justin as I walked towards the exit but I couldn't find him. He might left before me.

I came out and called my driver. My driver was in front of me in a minute. He opened the back door and I got in.

That 15 minutes journey felt like 15 hours. I couldn't wait to spend time in Justin's arms.A smile appeared on my face as I thought about Justin. I was so happy that we resolved our issues and now we would spend night together.I missed him so much.

Justin's PoV

I reached Selena's house in 15 minutes. Security knew me so they let me in without any questions.

As told I walked towards garden. When I reached there, I instantly knew that why Selena wanted me to come here. It was beautifully decorated with fairy lights. And in the center a really wide sofa was placed.

Impressed by the decoration, I let my feet take me to the sofa. I laid down on it,waiting and thinking about Selena.

Selena's PoV

I finally reached my house. I quickly got off the car and began practically running towards garden. When I reached garden,I saw him laying there on sofa and looking at stars. I approached him,taking quite steps.
I put my hand on his eyes.

"Guess who's it?" I said.I knew he'll recognize me immediately but still I wanted to try it.
"An angel from Sky" he replied and I laughed wholeheartedly.

Ahh, I love his charming replies. He gripped my hands and guided me to sit beside him. But I refused.

"Wait a minute, first imma take bandage and wrap your hand properly"
"Selenaaaa Noo" he whined like a child.
"Jay, it'll not take much time,only five minutes" I said kissing his cheek.
"Okay. Hurry up" he said and got up to walk with me in the house.

I normally kept my first aid box in a kitchen cabin. So, I took him there with me. The cabin was at height and I couldn't reach it, thanks to my short height. I started bouncing but still couldn't open it,Ugh.

"Someone needs help?" he said chuckling.
"Someone wants to help?" I said raising my eyebrow, amusement was clear in his eyes. He just laughed slightly and shook his head. He came forward and opened the cabin with ease and took the first aid box out.

"See it was that easy"
"Ha.Ha.Ha" I just rolled my eyes.

I motioned him to sit on couch and I sat on floor.

"Now give me your hand" I said and he brought his injured hand forward.
I unwrapped my dress cloth from his hand. He hissed in pain.

"Shh it'll be alright,baby" I cooed.

I took some disinfectant from box and applied it on cuts to avoid any infection.

"It burns Sel" he winced.
"It'll get okay, I promise" I said looking up to him, he just nodded.

After applying disinfectant, I wrapped proper bandage around his hand.

"Wow, you are really good at it"
"Yeah, mom taught me"
"Uh huh" he said and took my hand,leading us to the garden.

"You decorated this?" He mused.
"No, momma decorated it"
"Thanks to her, it is perfect for tonight" he said winking.

"This night is so beautiful" I said looking up to the sky,after a moment.
"It is" he said looking at me and I blushed

We both laid down on the sofa, savoring each other's presence. We didn't utter a single word but that silence was more beautiful than any other sound. I was in his arms,resting my head on his chest and he was here playing with my hair. For the past years, I yearned this moment. Every night, I would dream of this and now it was real finally.

He and I was in our formal dresses. We didn't change it just because we didn't want to leave each other only for few seconds.

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