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Selena's PoV

Three days had passed but Justin didn't contact me nor did I. I was very much angry with him. How could he accuse me of cheating! I never ever cheated on him. He was the one who cheated on me five years ago yet he has the audacity of accusing me! Bastard!

I didn't leave my room for past three days and my eyes never left my phone's screen. Secretly, I was waiting for him to text me and say sorry. He always did. But guessed he was still angry,so did I.

Justin's PoV

Three fucking days had passed but I didn't hear a word from Selena. Guessed she was so much happy with that Niall. Oh I always loathed that guy, he always had crush on her and now he got her, that Motherf***ker.
Believe me, if I was in room with two bullets in my gun and Trump and Niall were there then I would shoot that Niall.

After a week


Another week has passed without her. I was so happy to have her with me again, I thought that now I'd have her forever but that didn't happen, lucky me. By then  I had controlled my heart to some extent as I didn't cry whole night. But still I couldn't sleep peacefully. In the middle of night, I would wake up and stare at ceiling thinking about good memories I've shared with Selena.

After a week

Justin's PoV

Today I had to attend an important Hollywood party. I didn't want to but I had to because of one and only Scooter.I knew that Selena would attend this party,all of celebrities were. I would have went alone but I wanted to prove to Selena that I am not someone who'd cry for her his whole life. Million of girls would stand in line just to get a bit of my attention,and I wasn't exaggerating.
So, I called Hailey and being the desperate girl ,she immediately said yes. Sometimes I think that she is really obsessed with me. Like girl I had left our marriage,you should be angry.

Selena's PoV

I was going to a Hollywood party tonight. I didn't know if Justin was attending it or not as he never liked this kinds of event but Scooter sometimes forced him to attend. By the way, I'm going only because of my bestie, Taylor. She always took me along her because according to her everyone there always bored her.

Night Time

Justin's PoV

I was in my bed sleeping when I felt someone yanking my arm. I didn't open my eyes because after a long week I got this sleep. But that person then shouted in my ear. This made me jerk and I woke up in a second. Turned out that person was Scooter.

"What the hell?!"I yelled.
"Get your ass up and get ready. Party starts in half an hour"
"I told you that I don't wanna go"
"You have to, now get up,we have stylist downstairs"

With that he left and I groaned.I went in bathroom to take shower. I quickly undressed myself and got under shower. After shower I went downstairs only in my boxers and with my wet hair.

Everyone was sitting in lounge, chatting.

"I'm here" I said loudly to get their attention.
"Oh look the superstar himself has arrived" the stylist said in fashionable manner and I cringed.
"Um ye_ah" I replied slyly.
"Come on Justin don't waste time. Start getting ready" Scooter chirped in and I just nodded.

Stylist took me to the room where everything was arranged. She made me sit in a chair against a very big mirror. My mind immediately went to Selena. She must be sitting in front of mirror too and complaining about her looks. She always does. A small smile erupted on his lips but quickly wiped off as he reminded himself of Niall.

"Okay, first we'll dry your hair" stylist said.
"Do whatever you want. Just don't tell me" I said in irritated voice and she nodded.

She clapped her hands and asked her team to come help her.They started fixing my hair and doing my makeup.

"Hey why are you guys putting makeup on me?"
"To make you more handsome"
"Ugh I hate makeup" I groaned.
"But you have to put it on"

I didn't say anything and just sat there waiting for it to finish. After 30 minutes they were finished. They asked me to put my suit on. I never loved to wear suits but thanks to Scooter  I always had to wear them. Today, I had to wear a blue pant and a blue coat with black plain shirt. The suit was hanging on the rack. I took it with me and entered in another room to change. After changing, I came back only to wear my black shoes. After putting them on, I checked my appearance in mirror. Damn, I look handsome.

 Damn, I look handsome

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         (Justin's look)

"Oh, young man you look so handsome" stylist told me.
"Thank you" I said politely.

I then left the room and entered in the lounge. My team was still there and with them one more person was there, Hailey.

"You look handsome bro" Ryan said and I didn't bother to reply him.

"Umm what are you doing here Hailey?" I asked.
"Oh you forgot again. You asked me to come with you"

Then I remembered that conversation we had.

"Oh okay, come on let's go" I said walking out.

"I want no scandal, remember Justin" I heard scooter yell.
"Yeah, yeah I know" I yelled back.

Hailey came up behind me and hooked her arm with me. I didn't object as I wasn't in mood to listen how she loves me and how much I ignore her.

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