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Selena's PoV

I didn't know what to do. If I would go after him then everyone would see me and then tomorrow's headlines would be full of Justin and mine news.
So to remain safe it was wise decision to stay here and don't go after him. But I couldn't get picture of his hand out of my mind. It was dripping blood. He must be in pain. This thought alone was making my heart clench. I couldn't see him in pain. I needed to help him.

I looked around to see if anyone was looking at me but thanks to the God no one was paying attention to me. And I couldn't find Hailey there. Maybe, she went after Justin. This made me relax a little bit. As then I knew that Justin had some help. But still my heart was constantly budging me to go and check up on him. Ugh, this stupid heart.

"Niall, I'm going to toilet" I said to Niall who was busy on his phone.
"Okay, but you have to explain everything about kiss and Justin"
"Later, Niall" I said and walked away.

When I approached the stairs,I looked back again to see if anyone was noticing me but there was no one. So without wasting any second, I began climbing the stairs.

Upper floor was kinda dark, there were only some dim lights and it scared me. I wanted to find Justin as soon as possible. As I didn't want anyone to notice mine and his absence. I was going close to balcony  when I heard Hailey's voice.

"That bitch is slut! She doesn't deserve your love why can't you see it! She has Niall!"

Ugh,I knew she was the one who brainwashed Justin's mind. Bitch.

"Shut up! Don't you dare talk about her like that!"

Justin's reply made my heart flutter and a smile appeared on my face. He was defending me, this fact alone made me feel like I'm on cloud nine. I heard clicking of heels signalling Hailey's arrival. I quickly hid myself . She passed by me but didn't notice me fortunately.

I took a deep breath and began walking towards balcony. There he was  standing ,looking ahead. His hand was still bleeding. I felt pain. I quickly approached him.I held his arm but he yanked away harshly.

"What the hell you are doing here?!" He said furiously.
"Justin, I'm sorry. Please let me see your hand. It's bleeding"
"Why do you care?!huh! You should go back to your perfect boyfriend! He must be missing you!"

I didn't say anything because I knew it was my fault. I was the one who put him in this. I wanted to fix it and I knew how to fix it.

"Shut up! Stay still! Let me see your hand and then I'll tell you everything!" I yelled and glared at him.

He shut up. I knew this would work.

"Sit on floor now"
I gave him my best angry look. He cave in and sat down on floor. I sat next to him. It was dark and I couldn't see his hand properly so I turned my phone's torch on. After this, I took his hand in mine. He winced in pain.

"Shh it'll be fine. Let me take all the glass out"
"Your dress will be ruined"
"I don't care"

I stared taking glass pieces out. Tears began forming in my eyes as I saw him in pain.

"Don't cry Sel,I'm fine" he said wiping my tears with his other hand.

"No you are not. Don't you see these glass pieces, they are hurting you and its all my fault" I said sobbing and picking glass pieces.

"They are not hurting me but your crying is"

I looked up at him. He was looking straight at me with his hazel eyes which can drown me in them. But now it was not the time to be drowned in them. So, I turned my gaze back on his hand.

After 15 minutes effort, his hand was free of all glass.I checked it four times to see if there was any glass left but there wasn't any. Now I need cloth to wrapped around his hand so that bleeding would stop.

"Do you have any napkin?"
"Why would I have it?" He said.

I began tearing my dress from one side.

"What are you doing?!"
"Getting cloth to wrap around your hand"
"No Selena. Don't do it. I'm okay. You can't go downstairs with teared dress"  He said stopping me.
"Justin don't talk. You are far more important than this cloth" I said and teared the cloth.
"Am I?" He asked.
"Yes, you are" I said as I tied the cloth around his hand. The cloth stopped his blood. And I sighed in relief.

He held my chin and made me look up to him. I looked into his eyes, those hazel eyes which I adored so much that I could give my life for them. I could feel love and passion for me in those eyes.

We began leaning forward and our lips touched. His lips synced with mine and butterflies erupted in my stomach.I could feel the passion and love he was trying to show me. It was our way to tell each other that our love would never die.

When oxygen became a problem we pulled away but still our foreheads were touching. His hand cupped my cheek. And I let my fingers wander on his face.

"I love you" we both said at same time.

A smile adorned his face and  I grinned from ear to ear.

"I'm sorry" he murmured.
"Don't be. It's my fault"
"No, I shouldn't shout on you that day"
"You were angry. If I were you. I would do the same" I said kissing knuckles of his injured hand. He hissed in pain, I quickly stopped.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to"
"It's okay Sel. You are so cute when you are sorry" he chuckled and I playfully slapped his chest.

" We should go downstairs. People will notice our absence"
"But baby, I want to spend time with you. I miss you so so much"
"We can leave party and go to my house. Mom is not at home"
"That's great"
"Yea, I'll go first downstairs and you come after me and make sure to hide your hand. I don't want people seeing my dress on your hand"
"What about your dress stained with blood?"He said.

I looked down at my dress. There were patches of blood. Oh no!

"I'll go to washroom first and try to wash it. You can use that time to leave and don't let that Hailey come near you"

"Hahaha okay baby." He laughed.
"What?!" I said crossing my arm.
"Nothing baby, come gimme a kiss"  He said chuckling and pulling me towards him. He held me by waist and pressed our bodies together. I cupped his face and smashed our lips together. I could never get enough of him. He is addictive. He is like a drug.

I pulled away.

" See you at home. Security will let you in. Wait for me in garden"
"Why in garden?"
"You'll know"
"Okay love"

I began to walk away. I turned back to look at him one more time. He blowed a flying kiss and winked at me. I laughed and pretended to catch that kiss.

"I love you" he mouthed.
"I love you too" I mouthed back.

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