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Selena's PoV

I woke up when I heard my phone ringing. Groaning, I lifted my head from Justin's hard chest.

"Baby, turn it off!" Justin groaned and I suppressed my laugh at his childish attitude.

It was my mother calling,I picked up quickly.

"Hello momma!"
"Hi, baby. How ya doing?"
"I'm fine, what about you,Brian and Gracie?"
"All are fine. I just wanted to tell you that I won't be coming back soon. Gracie needs me. I really want to but you know Gracie is little."
"It's okay momma. I can manage"
"You sure?"
"Hundred percent"
"Okay, take care. Bye"
"Bye momma, love you"
"Love you too"

I hung up and sighed. I really wanted her near me but Gracie needed her much than me and also I wanted to spend more time with Justin,which I could spend very easily in absence of my mother.

I turned my eyes towards Justin. His eyes were still closed,he really is a heavy sleeper. I admired his face for a while, his perfect jaw line,long lashes and heart shaped pink lips. He was so handsome. After admiring his face, my gaze started to went down. I noticed his muscles,his toned chest and that wonderful abs. I swear hotness ends at him. He is so much hot!

"You know it's rude to stare" his voice brought me back to the world.
"I wasn't staring" I said glancing at him.
"They say that lying is sin" he smirked and I rolled my eyes. I went closer to his lips, licked them with my tongue but didn't give him kiss and he laid there still and shocked. I just laughed and got up.

"Sel, that's not fair!"
"In love everything is fair!" I said and shut the bathroom door behind me.
"I'll get that kiss,one way or another!" He yelled behind the door and I shook my head,giggling.

First, I took long and warm shower,which finished all my tiredness from yesterday. Then I brushed my teeth and cleansed my face.

Wrapping bathroom towel around myself,I got out.Justin was laying on bed using his phone,only his boxers.

"Jay, what about your clothes?"
"I texted Fredo, he'll deliver them here"
"That's great"I said walking into closet.
"I have a good news"
"Tell me" he said wrapping his arms around me.
"Momma isn't gonna come back" I said switching hair dryer,ON.
"Oh yes!" He exclaimed happily and I gave him a look.
"I mean,now I can spend more time with you".
I just laughed and started drying my hair and Justin started kissing my neck.
"Jay, I am busy!"
"I don't care"
"Because in love everything is fair" he repeated my statement and smirked.
He was about to kiss once again but interrupted by knock on the door.
"What is it?" I asked
"Ma'am someone has dropped something for Mr.Bieber" my maid said from other side. I opened the door and took bag from her hand.
"Thank you Sandy"
"No problem,ma'am"
"Sandy, I've told you not to call me ma'am"
"I'm sorry Selena"
"It's okay. And please tell Maria to cook breakfast for two persons" I said smiling at her.
"Okay" she muttered and walked away.

I took his bag inside.

"Congratulations, Now you can change"
"Ahh!Thanks God" he said dramatically and I just chuckled. He took the bag from my hands and after a few seconds he got his outfit out.

"I'm gonna take shower" he said entering into bathroom,
"But your hand?"
"I'll take care of it,don't worry"

I just nodded in acknowledgement and got back to my own work.After getting ready,I came downstairs in dining.

Table was set for two of us. I sit down on chair and started checking my instagram,Everyone was praising my look for yesterday's party. Their comments brought smile on my face l. Ahh! I love my fans. In reading comments,I didn't notice Justin coming down.

Snaking his arms around me, he made me aware of his presence. I looked up to him and smiled and he kissed my forehead gently. He took the seat beside me.

"Let's dig in!"
"Always ready for food" he teased and I just rolled my eyes.We both started eating,noticing,that Justin is having difficulty in eating his food,I decided to help him.

"Let me do it for you" I said feeding fried egg to him.
"Thank you" he said while chewing his food.
"Dont talk while eating,it's gross" I said and he opened his mouth more wide. Uhh,this boy is so childish.

After finishing our food, we both decided to do some walk in my garden.

We were walking in garden,hand in hand. There was complete silence between us but still it didn't seem awkward,it seem right.

"Selena!" He broke silence.
"Baby,I think we should move in"
"You heard me"
"We can't..." as soon as these words left my mouth,his hand left mine.
"Okay" he said and walked inside without saying a word. I followed him and called him but he didn't reply.

He went in my room and began collecting his things.

Still no reply.

"What are you doing?"
"When you don't want to live with me then why would I stay here?" He said nonchalantly.
"Jay,it's not like that"
"Then what is it Selena?!" He yelled.
"Please sit and listen"

He said nothing and continued packing.

"Pleas_ee" my voice cracked due to  tears.

He stopped and looked at me. Sighing,he sat down on bed,I sat down next to him.

"Love,it's not like I don't wanna live with you. It's just about other people,they'll start rumours about us when they'll see us and also my mom won't be happy"
"But Selena,I want you near me every second"
"I know,I want you too but baby, we are not ready now,we shouldn't take things this fast. Last time our relationship failed due to this, I don't want to repeat"

He remained there silent,probably thinking for a while and I became more and more nervous. I mean we had just started this relationship and I didn't want to fuck it up again.

After good 5 minutes,he suddenly leaned in and captured my lips. He kissed me with all the love. It was his way of telling that he agreed with me.

We pulled away.

"I'm sorry,I overreacted"
"It's okay, you are forgiven"

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