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Selena's PoV

I wake up with a unbearable headache. It felt like someone is hitting my head with hammer. I groaned and looked at side clock. It was 10 am. Yeah,normal time to wake up but then why I had this damn headache. I wanted to stay in my bed all day but then I remembered I had a plan with my chics today.Maybe,I should call them and tell about the headache. They'll understand.So, I dialled Taylor's number. She picked up at 3rd ring.

"Hi sel"
"What happened?"
"I have headache and it's quite painful. I can't go out with you guys today. I'm sorry"
"It's okay Selena. Just take care of yourself. Your health is more important.We can meet any other day"
"Thanks tay. Inform others too"
"I will. Now take aspirin. It'll help you"

I ended the call and sighed. I was feeling bad for cancelling the plan but I couldn't help it. I was about to get off the bed when my phone ranged again. A instant smile crept on my face when I saw caller's iD. It was Justin.

"Hey angel. Good morning."

"Hi,baby. Good morning."

"What ya doing?"


"So, when are you going out?"

"Actually,I'm not."

"That's great. I mean umm for me it's great. Cause I want to spend time with you."

"Baby, I can't spend time with you either. I'm sorry."

"Why is that Selena? You don't want me? *says in harsh tone*

"It's not like this baby. I just have a bad headache. That's why I'm ditching you and my friends."

"Oh. I'm sorry for judging you, love. Did you take medicine?"

"No not yet."

"Okay, then go and take the medicine now."

"Okay mother *roll her eyes*"

"Don't roll your eyes *chuckling*"

"You know me well"

"I do"

"Okay ,bye baby"

"Bye,love take care"

I ended the call but smile didn't leave my face. Oh the effect of Justin. I chuckled to myself and got off the bed to take medicine. I opened my medicine box and took the tablet out.
But then I remembered I didn't brush my teeth. Oh fuck! Now I have to brush my teeth. Don't get me wrong. I love cleaning myself but today I'm not in the mood. But I didn't have any choice so I entered in bathroom groaning. I decided to delay shower for few hours as I was planning to sleep again. And if I took shower then sleep would never knock on my door. So I just brushed my teeth and washed my teeth. After basic cleaning,I came back in the room and took the medicine. After taking the medicine, I just got in the bed again covering my body with blankets.


My eyelids opened again. But thanks to God, I didn't have the headache again. I was about to got off from my bed when my bedroom door was knocked by someone. Turned out it was my mom.

"Selena darling, wake up. It's late"
"I'm up mom"
"Good honey, now come down immediately. I have a surprise for you"

I didn't know what it was. Maybe another breakfast cooked by mommy.

"Okay,mom just give me 30 minutes"

I heard footsteps going away from my room signalling that she wasn't here anymore.

I got up from bed and walked into my closet. I picked a black crop top with light brown skinny jeans. It wasn't so formal nor casual so I guess it was okay to wear that in home. I put the clothes on my bed and went in bathroom to get shower.

I turned the shower on and got under it. Warm water from shower helped me alot to relax. I moaned in pleasure which I was receiving from warm water. After washing my hair and my body from my favourite shampoo and soap. I  wrapped towel around my body and got out of shower.

After getting out from shower, I sit against mirror. I dried my hair with dryer. I didn't do any makeup as I don't like wearing makeup without any particular reason. I quickly  wore my clothes and exited from my room with my phone.

As I was walking downstairs. I heard my Mom chatting with someone else. Maybe, we had a company in our house.

My mouth hung open in astonishment when I saw my best friend, Niall Horan sitting in one of the sofas in lounge. He was my best friend and Justin always loathed him because he thought that Niall had crush on me, stupid,isn't it? We both were like brother and sister. But because of Justin I didn't talk to him much and then we lost contact. But now he was here again.

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