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There he was standing in front of her. He still looked so handsome,it's like time didn't effect him. His looks were still able to take my breath away.

Just five years ago, we were best lovers in this world.  Well,time wasn't kind on us. We drifted apart from each other and lost contact. And now I was at his marriage ceremony. My heart was breaking inside. I didn't know how to stop the pain. But then I saw his smile. He was happy and I wasn't. But I prayed for him to be happy. I wanted him to be happy even tho it was killing me. I prayed that he'd remain happy always. I didn't want him to feel that pain which I was experiencing right now.

He was biting his bottom lip, I knew he was nervous. I still remember his every little thing,they way his eyes shine when he smiled,the way he would whisper in my ear that " I was his' and he was mine". I still didn't know what happened, how we were separated. I had left everything for him. I had changed my whole life for him. But he never became mine. He just walked away taking my heart with him.

And I was still here, where else I could go. He was still in my heartbeats,my dreams and my thoughts. He was with me in every moment. I wish that he'd know that this heart still beat for him. And this heart would never belong to anyone else.

Now it was the time of vows. I couldn't stay there. I feared that my heart would stop. So I came out of the hall. I was leaving. I was leaving forever...

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