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3 months had passed but Selena showed no chance of recovery. Doctors were giving up on her.Everyone became hopeless but I was hopeful. I couldn't give up on her.

I spent first two weeks of her coma in her hospital room. I wanted to spend more but Scooter didn't allow me. He said that I had to continue my life, Selena wouldn't want me to cut out from the world. I knew he was right, so I didn't argue. But still I would spend all my free time with Selena,talking to her, telling her how much I need her. She wouldn't answer me of course, but I knew that she was listening.

Today I was so much frustrated. I had a fight with pap. My mom and Scooter scolded me for this. And I knew internet would be full of hate for me. I needed to relax and nothing was more relaxing than Selena. So, I went to visit her.

Mandy was there but she left after I arrived. I sat near Selena. Today I wanted her to reply me so badly. I had waited for her patiently during these 3 months. But now I didn't know why, my patience had finished.

"Open your eyes,Sel,please. Just once" I said desperately.

But she didn't. I didn't know what happened to me but I broke down into tears. I put my head on her hand and cried hard. I knew my tears were wetting her hand. But I couldn't stop them.

Suddenly, I heard a  loud beep. I looked up to her heart moniter. Its zig zag lines weren't zigzag anymore. There was only a flat line.

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