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After 8 months

Justin's PoV

For past eight months, I and Selena were together,and I couldn't be more happy. Every moment with her was pure happiness.

We were in my house,on my couch watching some romantic movie on T.V.

"Babe, come on! Stop watching it. Talk to me" I said to my girl, who was giving T.V more attention than me.
"Jay,this is my favourite movie. Shut up" she said in exasperated voice. And I just sighed.

"He is so hot!" She talked to herself.
"Chris Hemsworth, the hero of this movie" she said in Duh tone. I glanced at T.V, and I must admit that she was saying right.

"No,he is not" I said teasingly.
"He is!" She exclaimed.
"I'm more hot than him"  I murmured. she just rolled her guys.

An amazing idea popped in my mind, and I gripped Selena from her waist, pulling her on me as I laid down on couch.

"What?!" She yelled and tried to get out of my grip but my grip was hard enough for her to escape.
"Now tell me who's more hot, he or I?"
"But you are my girlfriend!"
"So you are jealous?"
"Of course not!, I know I'm more handsome"
"Then what's point of asking me?" She  quirked her eyebrow up.
"Because I want you to admit"
"I won't!"
"Then I should punish you" I said as I started tickling her sides. Her soft laughs soon filled my whole living room.

"Jay,jay, stop!" She said laughing hard.
"No,first say it!" I muttered.
"Never" she was still giggling and I was loving the sight.

I started to tickle her harder.

"Okay,okay you are the hottest!" She admitted and I stopped but still laughing at her sight.

I stopped and laid down with her on top of me.

"And you are the prettiest!" I muttered, she hid her face in my chest,blushing.

I cupped her face and made her to look at me. Stray strands of her hair were hiding her beautiful face, brushing them with my fingers I made my view clear.

We both were staring in each other's eyes and noticing the immense love we had for each other.

Leaning in, I locked my lips with her addictive lips. We slowly moved our lips and told each other that forever would be ours.

Night time

Justin's PoV

We spent whole day with each other and I loved each and every moment of it. Now I wanted to watch a movie with Selena but she was busy on her laptop,upstairs in my room.

"Selena!" I called her but she didn't reply.
"Selena!!!" I yelled again but still no reply.

Groaning,I walked upstairs and entered in my room. She was using her laptop and there was frown on her face.

"Sel" I called her but she didn't bother to reply or even look at me.
"What happened,Sel?"
"This happened" she replied for first time,showing me some article on her laptop.

"What is it?"
"This!" She said angrily pointing her finger to the title of article,"Justin Bieber's fiance,Hailey Baldwin planning for wedding again"

"Justin drew bieber! you asshole! You lead me on and also kept contact with your damn fiance"she yelled furiously
"What the hell Selena?! Why are you making up this stuff!" I shouted back.

Now we both were standing in center of my room.

"I'm making this stuff up!!? I'm?? Didn't you see the article, you are planning your wedding again with your perfect Hailey!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

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