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Selena's PoV

I left Justin in my room and went downstairs to meet mother. She was in the kitchen,cooking something. I approached her from behind and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Whatcha cooking,Momma?"
"I'm making breakfast for you"
"Yea, baby" she said kissing my cheek.

I was really astonished and happy that she was making me breakfast but I also wanted to take her out from kitchen.

"Momma, can you come in your room now?"
"I want to discuss something very important"
"But I'm making your breakfast, it'll burn"
"Just turn off the stove. Nothing will happen. Please it's very important"
"Okay" she said and turned off the stove.

We both walked towards her room. As soon as I entered her room I called Justin only to end it before he picked it up. I hoped that he would take his cue.

"Selena, if you wanted to use your phone, you could use in kitchen" she said in irritated tone.
"No, mom I just wanted to ask you umm..."

Oh my God! Now what should I say.

"What Sel?" She asked again.
"Can I go out with my friends tomorrow?" I asked hurriedly without even thinking.
"This is your important talk?!"
"Uhh yeah"
"Whatever,yes you can. Now can i go?"
"Yes mom".

She gave me a skeptical look but left the room anyway. Just then my phone buzzed. I took it. It was a message from Justin saying that he exited safely. I sighed in relief.

That day, I did nothing. I missed Justin so much even though we were together just few hours ago.

Justin's PoV

I just got in my room as I was out with my friends since I left Selena's house and now it was night time. I was just about to sleep when my phone vibrated. I ignored it but it buzzed again. I groaned and  checked my phone. There were two unread texts from Selena. An instant smile appeared on my face as I quickly opened the texts.

From Love♥,

From Love♥,
Are you up?

To Love♥,

To Love♥,
Yes I'm up.

To Love♥,
What's the matter?

From Love♥,
I can't sleep.

To Love♥,

From Love♥,
Umm, I miss you.

To Love♥,
Aww, baby. I miss you too❤

From Love♥,
Can I call you now?

I immediately dialled her number after reading the text. She picked up after the first ring.

Hi love

Hey Jay.

What ya doing?

Nothing, just missing you.

I miss you too so much baby.

You sound tired.

I'm never tired for you Sel.

Aww baby I love you.

I love you too Sel.

So what did  you do today.

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