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Selena's PoV

I and my team was present in my makeup room. And I could see from their enthusiasm that they are determined to make me look like a true queen.

"Come on Sel, sit down. We need to hurry up" my make up artist said urgently.

"I'm coming" I replied back and sat on chair. My body was wrapped up by towel and my hair were still wet.

"First, we will do your hair and makeup, what type of look do you want?"

"Umm just go with straight hair and slightly dark makeup,nothing dramatic please"

"Cool, now sit still and let us do our work"

I just nodded and began reading a magazine. Two or three people were doing  my makeup while three persons were fixing my hair.

After half an hour, I became tired.

"Come on do it quick" I said.

"Sel stop, let them do their work" Thresa, my best friend rebuked me.I shut my mouth up.

After another half an hour, my hair and makeup was done.

"Come on Sel,Go change the clothes"

I went in my closet where my dress was hanging. It was a hot yet elegant blue dress. It had a slit at one side and its  half upper part was made of porous cloth. I quickly slipped into it and came back.

"Damn girl!" Theresa said excitingly.
I just blushed and walked to mirror. I was looking beautiful.

"Now jewellery time!" Ashley,my friend said clapping her hands.

"These green earrings will work" I said showing her the earrings.

"They are nice!"

She make me wear those earrings and I was completely ready as I slipped on my transparent heels.I looked at myself once again in mirror. Satisfied my appearance, I picked my phone and purse up.

 Satisfied my appearance, I picked my phone and purse up

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       (Selena's look)

"Bye everyone" I said and walked into my car.

Everyone was waving me bye, I waved back. Driver pulled out the car and my car ride started. It was quite ride and my mind wandered back to its favourite person,Justin. What if he was there? What would he say when he saw me? Would he think that I look pretty? In these thoughts, I didn't realize that we arrived.

"Ma'am we are here" my driver said opening the car's door.

I just nodded back and got out of the car. Everywhere cameras were flashing. Papz were asking me different questions but I didn't bother to answer. I posed for few pictures and then got in, finally.

Everything was beautiful inside the hall. It was decorated according to "Dark and classy theme".  I let my eyes wander around and then they stop at one and only person. He was looking straight at me with no emotion. This made my heart clench. He never gave me this look. Then my eyes spotted the figure next to her and anger boiled inside me. He was with Hailey who was clinging to his arm. So, he moved on already.

I looked away and tried to find my friends but I  couldn't find them,strange. I knew that Taylor wasn't coming but still I thought that I could have GiGi's company but she wasn't present also. I still could feel Justin's burning stare from the back of my head.

I spotted Niall in a corner. I waved to him to get his attention. Thank God, he saw me and started taking steps towards me.

I knew Justin would be really mad but I wanted to play the game he started. I wanted to tell him that if he could have any girl then I also had boys line up for me.

Niall approached me and hugged me.

"Hey, Sel"
"How are you?"
"I'm good"

We both chatted for sometime. Out of curiosity, I looked for Justin and there he was standing with Hailey. And that bitch was looking satisfied as hell. I really feel jealous at that time, I mean it was my place to stand not her.

All of sudden, Justin turned his head towards me. Our eyes met and I swear he saw the jealousy in my eyes as a smirk appeared on his face.

My blood boiled. I couldn't think straight. I did what came to my mind first.

"Kiss me Niall".I said to Niall.
"What?!" He asked astounded.
"Kiss me" I repeated.
"You are my friend"
"Idiot,it's just for show. Kiss my side of mouth. You don't have to kiss my lips. Please do it" I whispered.

He obliged and pulled me closer,his lips touching the side of my mouth. At that moment, I heard something breaking. My head snapped to the side from which noise came and my eyes widened.

Justin's hand was dripping blood and the champagne glass lied shattered on the floor. He was glaring at me. I knew he was very very much angry. Oh my God, what have I done!

He glared at me for one last time and then disappeared upstairs. And I stood there. Everyone was shocked but soon they recovered themselves and were chatting. But I couldn't recover myself. My heart was aching. I was feeling guilty. It was all my fault,all of it.

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