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I swear my heart stopped then and there. I thought that I was dying. I panicked. I didn't know what to do. But then I remembered that emergency button. I quickly pressed it. And in a second a nurse was here. She also panicked when she saw the monitor. She called the doctors. In no time, all the medical staff was in the room. They were giving electric shocks to Selena.

A nurse pushed me out of the room. I couldn't register what was happening. I just fell down on my knees and broke down into tears.

"Please God not her, take me instead but not her please" I prayed loudly.

I didn't remember that for how much time I remained like this. Suddenly, I felt someone shaking me. I came out of my trance. It was the nurse.

"Is sh--ee al--i-vee?" I asked with my trembling voice.

"Yes, she is. It's like miracle happened. And also she is not in coma anymore, Congratulations Mr. Beiber" she said smiling.

I just sighed in relief and looked upwards.
"Thank you so much GOD"I said.
"Can I see her?" I asked.
"Yes, you can see her but not now."She replied.
"Why?" I mused.
"Actually we have to do some tests and check ups to check if she have some internal injury, I hope you understand. You can see her in 30 minutes.".She replied.
"Okay" I said.

I decided to inform others as well. I called Alfredo and gave him the good news. He was so happy. But he couldn't come to see her because he was out of the country.

In 10 minutes,Mandy arrived at hospital. I didn't tell her about Selena but I guess Fredo told her as she looked so happy. She didn't say a word to me,of course. And I was kinda grateful for that.

After 20 minutes, the same nurse approached us.

"We have shifted Selena to the room no 22. You guys can see her now"she said.
"What about tests? Is everything alright?" I asked.
"Yes,Mr.Bieber. She's fine. She just have some bruises which will heal soon" she replied.

I just nodded. I was so happy that she was fine. I wanted to see her now. But I knew that Mandy would go first. After all, she was her mother.

After what feels like forever, Mandy finally came out. She was talking with someone on phone and looked really worried. I stood up from the seat and was walking towards Selena's room when she called me from behind.
"Justin" she called out.
"Yes?"I said turning my head towards her.
"Actually, I have to go back to Texas as gracie fell down from stairs and broke her arm. I want to stay here but Selena doesn't let me. So, I want you to take care of her, Will you?" She said.
"Of course, I will" I said trying hard not to grin.

I was so happy that I finally got time to spend time with Selena, alone.

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