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Selena's PoV

Sun rays , woke me up. Groaning, I lifted my head from Justin's chest to see the damn source of this light,turned out,it was coming from window 'cause we didn't set the curtains. Great.

"Babe,fix these curtains please" Justin said hiding his face in comforter.

Chuckling I got up and fixed the curtains then I returned back to my spot on bed.

Events of last night came back in my mind and I found myself smiling at memories. Yesterday,I had fully devoted myself to him. Now my everything was his',only his'.

Still smiling because of yesterday, I got up carefully,trying not to wake Justin up.

I exited the room and entered Justin's room to get ready for today as my everything was present here.

After getting a long warm bath, wearing a beautiful sundress of yellow color, I came into kitchen for cooking breakfast for both of us.

Pancakes were best option for today so I started makeing pancakes. I was about to turn the pancake when I heard someone's footsteps,it surely was Justin's.

"Babe! What are you doing?" He mused,approaching me.
"Making breakfast"
"Oh No!Now surely I will get stomach problem" He teased.
"Oh then you shouldn't eat.I'll eat by myself" I quirked my eyebrows at him and smirked.

He laughed and shook his head.

"Don't worry love,I'll eat everything you give me,even poison"

He stretched his hand to taste pancake but I pushed it away.

"No, not now. First go, fix yourself and then we'll eat in dining together"
"Selena!! I just want a single bite" he whined like a child.
"No."I replied sternly.
"You are more worse than my mum" he said and I giggled.

After good 30 minutes, the breakfast was ready,I was setting dishes on table waiting for Justin to come back.

When he didn't come even after 5 more minutes,I decided to call him by myself.

"Jay!!" I shouted.
"Come downstairs, breakfast is ready"

I went back to dining and sat on chair waiting for my boyfriend.

Finally,he came,wearing black shirt and brown trousers,looking as handsome as ever.

"You take more time than a girl"
"What can I do? I need to look perfect,after all I'm Justin bieber" he smirked and I rolled my eyes at him.

We started eating our breakfast in comfortable silence. Justin appreciated my cooking skills and I blushed as usual.It's crazy that how his little comments can make my heart beat fast. We also talked about our future,and it was very much clear that we both only see our future with each other.

"I'll talk to Scooter about calling off the engagement" Justin said casually.
My head snapped up to him and I was looking at him with incredulous expressions.

"What?" I choked out.
"Yea,I don't want to be associated with her anymore and I also want to make our relationship public. I'm tired of this hiding" he declared taking my hand in his'.
"Are you sure?"
"100%. Are you ready for this?"
"Yes, I'm. I can't wait to claim you as mine in public,so that those model bitches stay away from you"

He giggled at my last sentence and got up from his seat,walked towards me and sat on his knees in front of me.
Again taking my hand in his',he said,
"Let them do what they want to. You know that I want only you, you are the one,okay."
"I know but sometimes my insecurities make me think like that"
"You are the most beautiful girl in this world. Understand? Your body,face,personality,everything is perfect. You are perfect" he said,leaning in
Our lips met in sync. At first,it was hot but then Justin slowed down and it became sweet.

He pulled away and I groaned.

"Sorry baby,but I have to meet Scooter" he chuckled.

I groaned but nevertheless nodded.
"When will you return?"
"I think at night"
"This is so much late"
"I know but Scooter demands me"
"Ugh..! Okay I'll go home"
"Mom asks me to come back. She feels lonely"
"What about me? I also feel lonely" he said wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I'll come back at night. Happy?"
"More than you can imagine" he said kissing my cheek.

We both came into garage, he got in his car and started the engine. Security opened the door, he drove his car out of the house,waving me good bye.

I smiled and waved him back.

Justin's PoV

Today, I wanted to make all the things clear.I didn't want to stay connected to Hailey in any way,this was making complications in my and Selena's relationship.

I arrived at Scooters house and honked. The door immediately opened, guess they knew about my arrival.

I drive my car into his garage,stopped the engine and got out.

Knocking on his front door,I waited for him to come and open it. In a minute,we both were face to face with each other.

"Hey, kid!" He greeted me,hugging.
"Hi!" I hugged back.

After a few seconds,we both pulled away.

"I wanted to discuss something with you" he said seriously.
"Me too"
"Okay,then come here"

He lead me to his study. He sat on his study chair and I sat across him.

"So say what you want" he muttered.
"You say first"

I thought he was going to ask me about going on tour but he said the most unexpected thing.

"You have to marry Hailey"

I instantly shot up from my chair when my ears heard this.

"What?!" I asked incredulously.
"You heard me"
"Because this would provide us enough promo for your album"
"I don't need promo!"
"You do! Your image is shattered after you left your marriage because of your ex's accident. Now you have to marry Hailey to fix this mess!"
"No!Never! I'm with Selena! I will never marry her!" I shouted.
"You'll leave her. And clam down"
He said calmly,this triggered me more.
"How can you decide this? I'm not marrying her!and you can't force me!" I yelled.
"You'll marry her. Otherwise, I'll destroy Selena"

This was the last thing I ever wanted to listen, my anger shooted and I ran towards him,gripping his collar.

"You will not do this, you bastard!"
"I will" he said calmly and removed my hands from his shirt.
"I will portray her as a fake bitch who faked her own disease, and I can do it very easily,you know it"

I punched him in his face with all force. He got up and punched me again.

"You are...making...a..mistake..." He panted while we were fighting like two dogs,punching each other.

At last, we both stopped,breathing heavily.

"Think about it..do you want your happiness or Selena's peace and career?" He said and exited.

And I slumped down on chair, this surely was the hardest decision I would ever make. I love Selena to the moon and back and wanted to spend my whole life with her, I knew I couldn't live without her. Only I knew how I spend those four years after our breakup, every moment of those years was pure torture and full of pain. And now this bastarad wanted me to live that pain again.

If I would choose my happiness then surely I would slaughter Selena's peace with my own hands, and I just couldn't do this, I couldn't snatch her smile, I would live in pain but save her peace and career.

The decision was made, I chose pain for me and peace for Selena. Guess, this is love when you slaughter your own happiness for someone else.

I got up with heavy heart. It felt like my heart would burst due to the load of despair and sadness but it didn't,surprisingly.
Opening the door, I entered in lounge. There he was sitting, smiling evilly.

"You won" I said.

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