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To be honest,I was very much nervous. I mean I was meeting Selena after five years. I didn't know how would I talk to her. And I also wasn't sure that she would want to see me? But I wanted to see her so badly so I pushed these thoughts in the back of my mind and opened the door of Selena's room.

My eyes instantly spotted her. She was sleeping peacefully. My heart soften and all my nervousness went away. I took slow and quiet steps as I didn't want to wake her up.

She was looking so beautiful. I wanted to kiss her and claimed her mine then and there. But I couldn't. So, I just stood there and admired her beauty. When, I couldn't take it anymore. I started to caress her cheeks softly with my hand,fireworks erupt inside me,and a smile instantly appeared on my face. I was shocked that after five years she still had same effect on me. She stirred under my touch and I quickly pulled away.

Her eyes opened and her gaze widened when she saw me.


Butterflies erupt in my heart after listening my nickname from her.

"What are you doing here? How do you know?"
"Well, Fredo told me so I came to see you."
"How are you feeling?"


There was awkward silence between us. And I was hating it. I wanted to ask him about his marriage but I was afraid of the answer so I just dropped the topic.

"Why are you here?"
"I asked Why are you here?"
"I told you before that I wanted to see you"
"And why'd you want to see me?"


I wanted to tell her that I loved her, I cared about her and I was scared that I would lose her that's why I wanted to see her . But I was afraid of her reaction. I thought that she would reject me . And I hate being rejected.

"It isn't important"
"It is important"
"I said it isn't important" I yelled angrily.

She just shut her mouth and turn her face away.

"Look, Sel. I'm sorry, I shouldn't shout on you"
"Go away"
"Fine.I'm not gonna talk to you anyway"

That day we didn't talk anymore and it was killing me. I would steal glances of her but nothing more. She didn't even bother to call me for help. Guess, she didn't want me but I wouldn't leave her alone.

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