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I woke up when I felt someone yanking my arm.
"What happened fredo?"I asked opening my eyes.
"Hailey is waiting for you outside"he said.
" Oh shit"I cussed and stood up from the chair. My muscles were hurting due to restless but I could care less. I look at Selena and whispered her Good Morning then I exited the room.

Hailey was present in the hallway,looking really really pissed. I walked towards her.

"Hey" I said
"So, you left our wedding just for your damn ex" she yelled.
"Calm down. Will you?"I said.
"I'll not calm down!" She again shouted.
"This is hospital, you idiot. Come we'll talk in Cafe downstairs" I hissed.

Thank God that she understood and followed me to the cafe. I ordered coffee for both of us and sat at a table. Hailey sat across me.

"Look Hailey I never wanted to leave but I couldn't leave Selena alone" I said.
"You ditched me just for that bitch" she yelled.
"Keep your voice down and don't call her that, I'll not tolerate it" I hissed.
"Yes, of course. You still love her. You actually never stopped loving her. Our 4 years relationship is nothing for you as compared to Selena"she said angrily.
"You are right" I replied flatly.
"I Hate you!" She shrieked.

I didn't respond. She just took her purse and left. I didn't want to hurt her but I also didn't want to lose Selena again. And Selena was much more important for me. I drank my coffee,payed bill and came into Selena's room again.

This time Mandy was present there. She saw me and asked me to sit on couch. She sat across me.

"Why are you here?"she asked.
"I wanted to be with her" I replied.
"Listen boy, I'm making it so clear, if you are here to hurt Selena again then leave in nano_second" she said threatingly.
"I never wanted to hurt her. And I never will" I said.
"Good for you" she said and walked away.

I sighed and walked towards sleeping Selena.
"Babe, your mom is terrifying" I chuckled.
"Please wake up, Love. I can't see you like this" I said wiping my tears.

A part of me was hoping that she would wake up, hug me and tell me that it's gonna be alright. But she didn't budge.I kissed her forehead, and started whispering in her ear.

"I still love you with all of my heart"
"My heart still beats faster whenever your name comes."
" You are that much electric."
" I still remember your each and every freckle and each and every scar. "
"Your smile is still tattooed on my heart."
"These fives years can't make my love less for you."
"I think that I'll never be able to love someone as much as I love you"
"You're magnetic,charismatic and flawless"
"You are my Love,and my one and only"

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