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Selena's PoV

"Heyy" I said, running towards Niall to hug him.
"Woah Sel, calm down" he said chuckling and hugging me back.
"It's been so long"
"I know. But now I'm here, ain't I? How ya doing? I heard about your accident."
"I'm good now. Thanks"
"That's great. Here, take these flowers. I bought them for you" He said handing me a bouquet of black roses.
"Aww, thank you. They are my favourite" I said taking them and fixing them in flower vase.
"I know"
"We were once best friends, Sel"
"Oh yeah"

"You two talk. I have to go to a meeting" my mom said.
"Okay,momma bbyee" I said kissing her cheek. She kissed me back and went out of lounge.

"So, how's life Niall?"
"Good like always"
"Uh huh, how are the boys"
"They are great. Louis and Liam are dad now"
"Yeah, I heard about them in news. What about you? Any girlfriend?"
"Nah. I prefer single life"
"Hahah cool"
"What about your love life? Did  You move on from Justin?"

I wanted to tell him that we are together again and our love is still alive but I couldn't do it.

"I prefer single life too"
"Oh yeah, gimme a high_five then"

Our palms collide and we laughed whole heartedly. And then my stomach growled making me wish that I could go six feet under the ground.

"Looks like someone is hungry"
"Um yeah, I didn't have breakfast"
"Let's go to Nandos then, you can feed your little stomach there"
"You need a reason to go to Nandos,don't you?"
"What can I do? I love it" he said
"Okay, you go and start the car. I'll take my purse"
"Don't make me wait" he said going out.

I quickly went upstairs in my room and sat against mirror. I wasn't planning to impress Niall but I had to look  at least presentable. So, hurriedly I applied eyeliner, mascarra and my nude lipstick. After checking my appearance in mirror and being satisfied,I took my purse and went out in the garage. Niall was in the car waiting for me. I hastily walked towards car as I didn't want him to wait more.

"You make me wait" he said when I sat on passenger seat.
"I'm sorry" I said making puppy eyes.
"Ugh I hate your tricks" he said chuckling.
"Sure you do" I giggled.

He started his car and soon we were on road. After 30 minutes, we were at front of Nandos. He parked the car and we got out of it. Soon, both of us became surrounded by paparazzi. Ugh, I hate them. Why can't they just mind their own business.

"Are you guys dating?" One of them asked but we ignored it.

"How are you Selena? Are you good now?" Another one asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. Thank you" I answered politely and rushed into the building.

We both spotted an empty table. Both of us walked towards it and sat. Once we sat, a waiter immediately approached us.

"What would you like to get?" she asked.
"Niall you order, as you know this place more than me" I said to niall.

He nodded and ordered for both of us. After ordering we just sat there and chatted about our lives. It was nice catching up with him.

Justin's PoV

Today  I missed Selena so damn much. I wanted her near me.  In morning, when I called her, I was so happy to know that she isn't going with her friends. I thought that she would spend time with me instead. But then she said that she had an headache. It worried me but I guessed that headache wasn't that much harmful. So, I relaxed.

My friends ,Ryan and Chaz called me in afternoon. They wanted to hang out  with me. As I was free I said yes to them. And now we all were sitting in Nandos eating our meals.

Suddenly, Ryan nudged me.

"What the heck,Ryan?" I said irritatingly.
"Look Selena" he pointed to a table at corner.

There she was,looking like a princess. I admired her beauty and a smile erupted on my face. But that smile suddenly disappeared when I noticed Niall sitting across her.  My jaw clenched and anger boiled inside me. I loathed that guy so much. And she was here with him. She ditched me. She didn't spend time with me but with him. Was she cheating on me? Did she lie to me? These thoughts alone were making me beyond furious. I opened and closed my fists again and again to calm myself but it seemed impossible at that time. I really wanted to go there and punched that Niall in face but I couldn't make scene here. And then he did something, which made me very very much angry. He wiped something off Selena's face. He touched her.I couldn't see that anymore. So, I just left leaving my friends there.

I got in my car and drove to my house as soon as possible. By good luck, no police was present on my way.

When I got in the house, I screamed in frustration and pulled my hair as I couldn't do anything else. I couldn't believe that Selena would do this to me. Why did she do this? Was I not enough for her? Did she not love me? Was she taking revenge from me? My feelings were nothing for her? These questions were making me mad. And only answer to these questions was Alcohol. Yeah, I needed alcohol.

Selena's PoV

I had very much fun with Niall. It was good catching up. After four hours spending together we both moved back to our houses. But exchanged numbers to remain in touch.

And now I was sitting on my bed thinking about Justin. I had called him  two times but he didn't pick up. He also didn't reply to my texts. I was missing him so much. So, I decided to give him a surprise visit. Fortunately, my mom wasn't at home. So,no one was there to ask me questions.

First, I checked my appearance in mirror. I wanted to impress Justin. I knew he loved me but still. I was looking good. So I just refreshed my makeup and picked up my car keys, purse and phone and got out of house. I unlocked my car, got in it and drove to Justin's house.

After 15 minutes, I was in front of his house. Security let me in. I got off the car and walked towards front door of house. It was opened. Oh this boy is so careless. I walked in but to my surprise everything was black.

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