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Selena's PoV

After Justin left, I gathered all my belongings and came back home with a smile plastered on my face. I really was very happy that day, I mean I only wanted to have Justin all by myself and I was getting it.

I opened my front door and entered in my house.

"Momma,I'm home!" I called my mother. She appeared from living room.

"Welcome back baby!" She said hugging me so tightly that I couldn't breathe.
"Momma! I can't breathe"

She immediately pulled away. Chuckling,I hugged her from side.

"Sel, you look really happy nowadays"
"I'm happy" I said grinning at her.
She smiled back and kissed my forehead.

"May God always keep you happy" she prayed.

"Momma imma take some rest now" I said gripping my bag.

Gripping my bag, I started climbing the stairs and reached my room. After entering inside, I carelessly threw my bag in one corner and land on my bed with a thud.

I switched my phone on to see if Justin messaged me but no. Thinking,he might be busy I decided not to call him.

Someone knocked on my door.

"Who's it?"
"Selly!" Someone in small innocent voice said. I immediately recognized that voice and practically jumped off the bed and ran to open the door.
I said opening my arms to take her in them. She giggled and hugged me tightly.
"I miss you so much Gracie!"
"Me too Selly"
"Where's Brian?"
"He is with mama"
"Oh okay, let's go and meet him" I said.

We both alighted down, Brian and momma were sitting in lounge.
"Hello Brian" I greeted
"Hi kid! How ya doing?" He said giving me a hug.
"Very well and you?"

We all sat there and chatted for hours,discussing our lives and plans. I desperately wanted to tell them about Justin and me but I thought it was better if we both tell them together.

We all had lunch together,cooked by momma of course! After lunch, I and Gracie had tea party. It was very nice to spend time with her after such a long time.

It was almost 7:00 in evening. I was sitting outside waiting for Justin's call or message. I have called him more than 14 times but he didn't pick up. He might be busy,I thought.

Sighing, I got up and came back in empty house. Momma, Gracie and Brian went to visit some kids play area. They also invited me to go with them but I  politely declined as I had to meet Justin.

I took my purse, keys and phone from my room and came in garage. Opening,my car's door I sat in and started the car. Security opened the door and I came out on road.

While driving to Justin's house,I was constantly thinking about him. What would happen between him and Scooter? Why was he not picking my phone up? Was he alright?

Thinking about these things,i reached at his house.Honking,I let his security know that I'm here. They opened the gate for me and informed me that Justin wasn't home. I nodded and pulled my car in the driveway. I came out and entered his house using the duplicate key,he once gave me.

As I entered his house I called him again but he didn't pick up and it went straight to voicemail.

"Babe, where are you? I'm worried about you. I'm at your home. When you get this then call me. I'm waiting for you."

Sighing, I went in his living room and sat on the couch, waiting for his arrival.

Justin's PoV

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