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We were in car. My heart was sanking down every second. I just wanted to be with her as soon as possible.

"Will you drive faster!" I said angrily.
"Shut the heck up!"he yelled.

He clearly was so much angry and I was so much frustrated.

What if she died? What would I do then? How could I survive? These thoughts were making it difficult for me to breathe. By now, tears were streaming down my face.

Alfredo stopped the car in front of City Hospital. I got out of the car and ran into the hospital. I reached at reception and asked about Selena. They told me that she was in the ICU on 4th floor.

I went towards elevator but it was out of the order. Wasting no more time, I began to climb stairs. There were too much stairs and my legs began to hurt but I didn't care. As this pain was nothing as compared to my heart's pain. Finally, I reached there.

Her mom, Mandy and Brian both were there. They looked tensed. Mandy saw me and gave me a glare but didn't say anything. Maybe she didn't want to make a scene. I walked hesitantly towards them.

"How's she?" I asked.
"Her condition is very critical" Brian replied.
I didn't say any other word. I just squeezed my eyes shut to stop the tears but I couldn't. Alfredo finally approached there and was talking to Mandy. I couldn't listen and I didn't want to.

Suddenly, the door of ICU opened and doctor came out. He looked worried as hell. We asked him about Selena but he didn't reply. He kept yelling on hospital staff and asked them to bring some other doctor or machines.
"Is she alright?" I asked doctor.
He didn't reply, I became furious and came dangerously close to him.

"I asked is she alright?" I yelled in his face.
Alfredo tried to push me back but I didn't budge.

"We are trying to save her,her life is in danger,please let us do our job Mr. Bieber" he

I took few steps back and didn't utter a  word. Tears streaming down my face.

"Please God don't take her, I can't live without her,please" I prayed silently.

After what feels like an eternity, doctor came out of the ICU.

"How's she?".Mandy asked.
"She's alive" doctor replied.
We all sighed in relief.
"But__" doctor said.
"But what?" I asked desperately.
"She is in coma right now" doctor said.

We all froze and didn't know what to say.
"How__w long?" I said, my voice cracking.
"I don't know"doctor said.


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