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Selena's PoV

I groaned inwardly when I heard knocking on my bedroom door. I didn't want to open but the knocking became more intense than before and then I heard my Mom's voice which made me got up in a second.

"Selena baby wake up" my Mom said behind the door.

I panicked. If my mother saw Justin here,she would kill him in a second. Oh my God, what should I do?
"Momma, I'm up" I said hoping that she would leave now.
"Okay, Now let me in"
Oh my God! No. She would kill him.

"Wait, wha_at do you wa_ant?" I stutter.
"I want to talk"
"Okay, I'll come down in ten minutes"
"Ok I'm waiting"
"Yeah, mom"

I heard footsteps walking away from my room and I sighed in relief.
"Thank you GOD for saving me" I said in my heart.
Then I turned my head towards the love of my life. He was still sleeping soundly. He must be very tired. I smiled at his adorable sight and took small steps towards him.

I kissed his forehead and whispered in his ear.
"Wake up, baby."
But no movement. I again whispered but still nothing. An idea popped in my idea and I went to my bathroom only to get water in a small purse of mine as I didn't have anything else.

After coming back, I poured down all the water in purse on his face.

"What the hell!!!" he got up cursing in loud voice. I immediately covered his mouth with my hand to make the voice low as I laughed uncontrollably. He took my hand off his mouth.

"What the hell! Selena" he said in slightly angry voice.
"I'm sorry but you weren't waking up"I said still laughing.

Justin's PoV

She was laughing like a careless child and I was feeling warmth inside me only by seeing her laugh. I just realized how much I missed this laugh in past five years.

I grabbed her by waist and put her in my lap.
"Why did you want me to wake up? We could stay in each others arms for more time" I said brushing her hair away from her face and kissing her nose.
"Baby, momma is awake. You have to leave now if you care for your life"
"Oh no" I groaned nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck.
"We would meet tomorrow"
"You promise?"
"Yes baby" she said kissing me.

I kissed her back and that kiss turned into a steamy make out session. We stopped when we heard knock on the door.
"Selena what's happening there?"
Her mom Mandy asked from outside. Selena abruptly stood up.
"Nothing mom" she said
"You sure?"
"Okay, open the door. I want to talk"
"Momma I will come outside"
"Okay come now"
"Yes mom"she said looking tensed as hell.

"What now?" I mouthed as I didn't want Mandy to listen to us and I wasn't sure if she was still there or not.

Selena didn't say anything for a moment. She seemed to be in deep thought. After a minute,she spoke up again.

"You have to leave now. I will distract my mother. And then you'll leave from back door. I'll inform you when you have to leave"
"Okay, but what about servants?"
"Don't worry they'll never utter a single word"
"Oho someone is bossy, eh" I said teasingly and She winked.

"Okay, I'm going now" she said opening the door.
"Baby, wait"
"Gimme a goodbye kiss" I said making a fake pout.
"Oh my Justin" she came back chucking and gave me  a goodbye kiss then she left.

After 10 minutes, I got a missed call from Selena. That was my cue to leave so I left her room and ran towards back door down the hallway. Finally! I reached there. Security was present there,of course but they didn't stop me and I exited my love's house. I texted her to inform that I left her house safely.

It felt like a teenage love movie when a crazy in love boy would sneak into his girlfriend's house just to see her. The only difference was that it was reality and both I and Selena weren't adults. But still I would do anything for her.

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