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Freshman Year 2015-16

Freshman year of high school and I'm already failing one of my classes.

My mom wanted me to take Freshman English Honors. I thought I was ready, but I was wrong.

My teacher is like a stickler for everything.

If you miss a coma you get a point taken off. If you write the date wrong, you're getting five points off. If you use paper ripped from a notebook she won't read your essay. If you do not write in pen she'll rip your essay up and say she can't read pencil.

I end up failing my first semester of Freshman English and I have to retake it during summer school before my senior year or else I won't meet my A-G requirements and I won't graduate.

Sophomore Year 2016-17

The next year, I still don't retake my English class. I decided on waiting until the summer of my junior year and taking English for first semester and Algebra two second semester.

I have to retake math because I got a D+.

My teacher didn't round me up from a 69.7 to a 70 percent.

I plan on taking both classes during the summer of my Junior year because I missed sign ups for summer school this summer.

Junior Year 2017-18
Present Day

I sit in my room eyes locked on my television and my hands aggressively clicking buttons, lost in my Fortnite match.

"Man you fuckin suck a Fortnite!" I hear my friend from school say through my headset.

"Chris shut up! I'm better than you!" They reply. "We always lose cause you be chokin' on every one v one!"

"Shut up we finna get this dub!" I reply. "Remember the queen of Fortnite is here...thank you!"

"Daya, be quiet you suck too," Chris states.

"Ha, you are-" I start to reply before being cut off by my mom barging into my room.

I look over at my mom and she has her arms crossed over her chest with an irritated look on her face.

"Little girl, get off your video games and clean up this fucking house!" My mom starts. "I don't know why you think you can just sit around and play games all day! The house ain't gonna clean its self."

"Ha y'all hear that Daya gettin' lectures from her-" another friend starts through my headset.

I remove the headset from my ear and I turn off my Xbox One.

I walk down the stairs stomping my feet as I go.

It's summer vacation and I only have a week off before summer school starts! Does she think I wanna clean all damn day? I think to myself.

I walk to the storage room grabbing the vacuum, Pledge, and Windex before walking to the living room.

I dust the tables and spray them with Windex and Pledge the wooden parts.

"Make sure you have straight lines in my carpet when you vacuum!" My mom states before making her way upstairs to her room.

"Make sure you have straight lines!" I state to myself while mocking my mom. "How about you come do it yourself?"


A few hours later I look at my phone and I roll my eyes.

"Already four...now I have to get ready for work!" I walk back upstairs and I grab my work uniform.

I change into all black pants and my red shirt.

I put my hair in a bun and then I walk to my moms room.

"I'm ready," is all I say before walking away.

Once at work I see a huge line in the drive through.

"Damn, people love Del Taco!" My mom states. 

I nod my head agreeing with her before getting out of the car and going to work.


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