𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟺

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Me and Jose end up winning the first game of volleyball.

"You guys cheated!" LaMelo groans.

"Rematch?" Jose asked while raising an eyebrow at LaMelo.

Jose tosses LaMelo the ball and he serves it.

I hit it up straight into the air to set Jose up for a strike.

Jose hits the ball perfectly executing the strike.

"Aye!" I walk over to Jose and I hold my hands above my head so he can give me a double high five.

While we were celebrating, LaMelo and Clarissa score a point.

"Oh, so that's how we're gonna play?" I asked. "Bet,"

I grab the ball and I hit it towards the open area.

LaMelo hits the ball back to my side.

Jose hits it back.

We keep on going back and fourth until LaMelo and Clarissa score.

We serve the ball back and then score another point.

Anyways, I know you don't wanna hear about the long game so long story short, me and LaMel- I mean me and Jose- we win again!

"We're an unstoppable team!" Jose says.

He pulls me into another hug and I hug him back.

"We are," I smile at him. 

His scent smells of vanilla and lilac.

I take in his scent one more time before he breaks the hug.

"Guys!" I hear Tracy yell as she runs towards us.

"Hey Tracy. You took a long time!" I say while waving to her.

"I've been searching for you guys for like twenty minutes!" Tracy exclaims.


After playing a couple more games of volleyball, we all walk back to the party spot.

By the time we get back it's sundown.

Me, Tracy, and Jose all sit down on a blanket that Jose brought and we watch the sun go down.

"It's so pretty," I state while letting out a sigh.

"It's beautiful," Jose says while glancing at me.

I blush while looking at the waves crash into the sand.

I pull out my phone and I open up the camera app.

"Selfie time hoes!"

Everyone around me poses for a picture.

"Aye, turn the music up! This is my shit!" Some random person says.

The person who's connected to the speaker turns up the song.

The Cha Cha Slide comes blasting through the speaker and everyone stands up and gets in a line.

"And this time, we're bouta get funky!" DJ Casper says through the speaker.

I notice that Jose is still sitting down so I walk over to him and pull him off of his butt.

"Oh no, I don't dance!" Jose shouts over the music.

"Come on, he tells you exactly what to do!"

I grab Jose's hand and I pull him towards "the dance floor".

"To the left!"

I step to the left and Jose steps to the right causing us to bump into each other.

"Your other left silly!"

"Hey! I gave you a fair warning, I don't dance!" Jose laughs causing me to laugh along with him.

Take it back now y'all

Jose steps back and I do the same.

One hop this time

Everyone hops.

Right foot let's stomp


Left foot let's stomp


Cha cha real smooth

I cha cha and Jose just stands there.

I grab his hands and I make him cha cha.

"Move them hips boy!"

Jose turns red and I laugh even harder.


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