𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹

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After school that day, I walk to my moms car.

She smiles once she spots me and I open the car door.

I jump into the car and buckle up my seatbelt.

"How was school?" My mom asked while driving off.

"It was cool, we didn't do a lot of work today," I state before unlocking my phone and going on Instagram.

"That's good," my mom replies. "We needa go to the store to get some rice real quick!"

"By we you mean me!" I state while rolling my eyes. "Why didn't you go while I was at school?"

"Because I didn't!"


We arrive at the store and I get out of the car.

I walk into Stater Brothers and I make my way to the rice.

I turn the corner and I bump into someone.

I look up to see a random teenager girl.

"Excuse you," she says while flipping her hair and walking past me.

"Bitch you bumped into me!" I roll my eyes.

I grab my rice and I make my way to the checkout line.


The next day, I wake up to my phones alarm clock going off.

I turn it off and I scroll through Instagram trying to wake myself up.

A few minutes later, I make my way to my bathroom and I take a long warm shower.

I decide on wearing my hair in space buns.

I grab my eyeshadow and I put on a neutral color before putting on some mascara and lip gloss.

I walk out of my bathroom and back to my room throwing on a black dress and my hooped earrings.


I walk to my first period and we just write an essay.

After a long ass three hours, the bell finally rings and I make my way to the lunch area.

I grab my food and I make my way to the hall of fame. 

"Hey Daya!" I hear someone yell.

I turn around and I see Clarissa and Tracy walking towards me with a guy.

He is tall and has light skin with light brown hair.

He is also wearing an all black shirt and some nice Jordans.

Damn, he is kind of cute, I think to myself.  

I walk closer to them and the boy walks away towards a group of guys.

I eye him as he walks away and Clarissa and Tracy both look at me and laugh.

"What, what's so funny?"

The two girls shrug and I just shrug too.


After lunch, we make our way to second period.

Clarissa takes her seat next to me and Tracy sits behind Clarissa.

After sitting there waiting for the bell to ring, it finally rings.

Mr.Servell starts to take attendance and there is a knock on the door.

I get up out my seat and walk towards the door opening it.

I don't look at the person and they walk into the classroom and I take my seat again.

This boy walks into class late and all eyes go onto him.

He smiles showing his nice straight teeth. Walking deeper into the classroom, he starts dabbing people up and he gives people bro hugs.

I look at the Mystery boy and he glances at me before looking away and dabbing up my neighbor, Clarissa.

"LaMelo, you're late!" Mr.Servell states while marking the LaMelo character tardy. "Go ahead and sit next to Jose along the counter because I ran out of desk."

"Sorry," LaMelo states before walking towards the counter and sitting next to Jose, my friend from last years math.

LaMelo walks next to me to get to his seat and I take this as a chance to look at him again.

He catches me looking and he nods his head up.

"What's up," he says while giving me a smile.

I wave shyly at him and then I look back at the teacher who has started the lesson.

Mr. Servell passes out a worksheet and assigns us some questions.

Me and Clarissa do the questions and then we explain them to Tracy since she doesn't understand the lesson.

Jose moves his chair in front of me and Clarissa.

"Hey, do you get this?" Jose asked while turning his paper towards me.

I nod my head yes before showing him how to do an example problem.

"So you have to find the greatest common factor and combine the like terms?" Jose asked while he does a problem.

"Yeah," I reply.

LaMelo pulls his chair in front of my desk and he looks at me.

"Can you help me?" LaMelo asked. "I'm kinda stupid!"

I laugh at him before nodding my head yes.

"Okay, so all you have to do is..." I explain to LaMelo what he has to do and then he tries a couple of problems by himself.

"Damn, I get it now! You're a good teacher!" LaMelo states before dabbing me up and walking back to his seat.


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