𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟻

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"And speed!" LaMelo states as he drops his last card.

I smack my lips.

"Again!" I say while shuffling the cards.

"Don't you think we should study for that test, Daya?" LaMelo asked as I pass out the cards.

"We can play one more match and then get back to the math! I have to beat you!" I reply with determination written all on my face.

LaMelo chuckles. "Okay,"

I pick up five cards and LaMelo does the same.

We flip over the starting cards and start putting cards down numerical order.

"FINALLY!" I yell. "I win you lose!"

"Congratulations...it only took you about fifty years."

I laugh softly to myself and I grab the study guide from my backpack.

"Which ones do you need help with?" I asked LaMelo.

"I need help on number fifteen, eighteen, twenty four, and thirty through thirty five,"

I nod my head and grab my pencil.

"First you..."


After helping LaMelo study for our test tomorrow, we sit in my room.

"Let's play cards again!" LaMelo states while grabbing the cards.

"Okay, we have to play something besides speed or else I'll rage quit!"

LaMelo chuckles and thinks for a second.

"How about...fifty two pick up!" LaMelo exclaims.

"Hell no, I swear to goodness if you drop these cards all up on my floor you gone pick me up!" I say with attitude.

LaMelos eyes widen.

"Shit okay mommas!" He states while he starts passing our cards out.

I bite my lip and look at LaMelo as he passed out our cards.

He is concentrated on counting the cards out evenly.

He looks so adorable when he's concentrating like that I think to myself while I stare at LaMelo.

"I'm gonna beat you,"  I say while breaking myself out of my trance.

"Isn't that exactly what you said when we played speed?" LaMelo asked playfully.

"Isn't that exactly what you said- shut up!" I mock him while laughing. "I'm the queen of speed thank you very much!"

"I'll believe it when I see it,"

I flip my card and then LaMelo does the same. We keep on doing this until a Jack appears.

I slap my hand down on the Jack and LaMelo smacks his lips.

"Damn, hold up! This doesn't count I'm just warming up!"

I laugh at him.

"Mhm, whatever!"

We keep on playing and I slap the Jack that has just appeared.

LaMelo also slaps that Jack but his ass hits my hand so hard.

"Fuck!" I say while looking at my hand. "You hit the fuck out of me!"

LaMelo smirks and looks me in the eyes. "I can hit it way harder than that!"

"What?" I asked blushing lightly.

LaMelo winks and I blush even more.

Why don't you come and show me how hard you could hit it? I think to myself.

I look away from LaMelo and I grab my cards.

After finishing the game of slap Jack, me and LaMelo sit on my bed in silence.

I feel my phone vibrate next to me and I pick it up.

I see the name Chris pop up on my screen.

"Aye, what's up?" I asked into the phone.

"You wanna hop on Fortnite real quick?" Chris asked.

"Yeah I'll come on right now!"

I hang up the phone and I grab my Xbox remote while turning on my television.

Signing into my account I look at LaMelo and he looks at me.

"I'm about to play Fortnite, you can watch me if you want."

He nods his head and keeps looking at me.

"I wanna play," LaMelo says.

I laugh. "You're probably a bot!"

"Nah fam, I'm the Fortnite king!"

"Well I'm the queen!" I reply as I join Chris's party.

We both ready up and I glance at LaMelo who is still looking at me.

"We can switch off every round if you want to!" I say to him.

His eyes light up and he nods his head quickly.


Me and Chris end up winning the duos match and I hand the remote the LaMelo.

He turns out to be a little bit better than me at literally everything, but I'll never admit that to him.

"The only thing you're better at than me is building, I can't build for shit!" I chuckle.

"I'm better than you at everything," LaMelo states hyping himself up.

Shaking my head, I look at him with a smirk on my face.

"I can tell you one thing I'm better at!" I laugh.

"What is it?" LaMelo asked.

I try to hold in my laugh but I end up laughing.

"Math!" I finally say while dying from laughter.

"I am glad you're making yourself die from your own joke, it wasn't that funny." LaMelo states while trying to hide his smile.

"You know you wanna laugh!" I states while poking his check.


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