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The next day I get ready for school.

I woke up late so I don't have time to do my makeup.

I put my hair in a messy bun and I throw on some jeans and a simple top along with some slides.

I run down the stairs and I grab a banana from the kitchen.

"Come on mom! I'm going to be late!" I yell up the stairs.

My mom opens her room door before coming slowly down the stairs.

As we drive to my school, it seems like the whole world is moving slowly.

Come on, I'm not trying to have a tardy!

We sit at a red light and I tap my fingers on the door.

"Calm down, Daya, it's only a tardy!" My mom says sensing my frustration.


I rush up the stairs to my first period class and I open the classroom door.

The whole class is completely silent and as I open the door all eyes are on me.

Stop looking at me please! I think to myself.

I literally hate being the center of attention!

I sit in my seat and then the teacher restarts the lesson.

After first period I eat lunch and make my way to my second period.

"Aye, we have a math quiz tomorrow, here is a review sheet and a study guide. The worksheet is due at the end of the period, keep the study guide to study!" Mr.Servell states while passing out the papers.

As on cue, LaMelo and Jose bring chairs over to us.

"Daya, I need your help with number five!" Jose says.

"Hold on, let me try to do it!" I reply while working on number five.

"I got 1,036!" Clarissa states while working on another question.

I nod my head agreeing with her.

"Yeah, I got that too!" Tracy states.

"Okay, just making sure I'm not tripping!" Jose states while smiling at me.

I smile back at him.


Hours later, Mr.Servell gives us a thirty minute break.

Me and the gang all walk to the cafeteria but the doors are locked.

"Oh no," I groan. "It is way too hot to be out here in this heat."

"No, I actually think it's pretty cold out here!"  LaMelo says sarcastically.

I mock him and he laughs.

"I feel like the sun is attracted to darker colors! The struggle is real!" I state.

"I know right, us black people have to sit here while the sun is beaming all up on us!" LaMelo states causing me to look at him sideways.

"You're not black, LaMelo!" Tracy states while rolling her eyes.

"Yes I am, stop hating on me because you wanna be black!" LaMelo says defensively.


After school I walk with Tracy and Clarissa to the parking lot.

My mom is there already and I say goodbye to the both of them.

As I walk to my car I see LaMelo walking towards it too.

"Hey Mrs.D! Can I come over so me and Daya can study for our quiz together?" LaMelo asked walking up to my moms window.

"Sure sweetie, anytime!" My mom replies while smiling at LaMelo.

"Thank you so much Mrs.D!" LaMelo states happily while getting in the back seat of my moms car.

We make it to my house and my mom starts cooking dinner.

Me and LaMelo go up to my room because my mom is making too much noise and listening to music making it impossible to work.


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