𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟾

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After everyone has a chance to look at their test scores, Mr.Servell takes us outside for our break.

He tells us that if we're late he won't give us anymore breaks.

As usual, me, Jose, Melo, Clarissa, and Tracy all walk over to the cafeteria.

"LaMelo, why are you so far behind everyone?" Jose asked while looking back at LaMelo who is currently tying his shoe.

"Mind your business!" LaMelo replies while laughing.

Jose is the first one in the cafeteria and Clarissa and Tracy our the second ones to go in.

I jog to the door because it was about to close and lock me out.

I hear LaMelo laughing at me.

"What?" I asked while glaring at him and holding the door open for myself.

"You run funny!" LaMelo says while laughing.

Dick, I think to myself.

I look back at him and he is almost to the cafeteria door.

I smirk and I walk inside of the cafeteria closing the door behind me.

"Hey!" LaMelo says, his voice muffled from him being on the other side of the door. "Let me in!"

Tracy looks up at us from that table and she laughs at LaMelo.

"Say sorry!" I demand.

"For what?"

"Saying that I run weird you fuckin bully!" I roll my eyes.

"Stop it baby!" LaMelo states.

I look at him with an eyebrow arched.

"What?" I asked.

LaMelo's cheeks are a light shade of pink.

"I didn't mean it like that I meant like you're a baby- not like th- you're not my baby!" LaMelo stumbles over his words.

I open the door for him before turning away from him to hide my flushed cheeks from him.

Clarissa takes out her Carmax and she squeezes it. A piece of it flies somewhere but no one knows where it went.

"What if the sky was purple instead of blue?" Tracy asked.

Me and Clarissa glance at each other.

"Why are you always saying some weird random shit?" Clarissa asked while giggling.

"No, like if the sky was purple that would be so pretty!" Tracy states.

"I feel it," LaMelo says. "Cause you know, space is purple so how come the sky isn't purple? Where does the blue come from?"

I shake my head.

"Sometimes I worry about you two, no cap!" Jose says while shaking his head.

"Oh shit!" Clarissa exclaims. "I think the class left already!"

"We've gotta go we can't be late!" Tracy says while hopping out of her seat and running out the cafeteria.

Clarissa and Jose follow suit.

Me and LaMelo hop up from the table and LaMelo's pants get caught on the bottom of the table.

"Help me Daya!" LaMelo exclaims while jumping all around trying to get his pants loose.

"Okay, stop moving before you-"

LaMelo keeps on moving and then his pants and underwear fall down.

I start to die laughing.

"Oh my goodness- I told you to stop moving!" I state while laughing.

LaMelo turns a bright red and he pulls up his pants.

"We don't speak of this!" Is all he says before running back to class with me following him laughing the whole way there.


"Oh my God!" LaMelo yells while looking at his long sleeved shirt.

"What?" Jose asked while looking at LaMelo annoyed.

"Someone put a booger on me!" LaMelo screams loud enough for the whole class to hear.

I snicker to myself before I start laughing even harder.

"Let me see," Jose says while walking over to LaMelo.

Jose glances at his shirt and he rolls his eyes.

"Melo, dude, it's just Carmax!" Jose explains while wiping the Carmax off of LaMelo's shirt.

"Oh, now I feel stupid." LaMelo pouts.

"You should, you should feel very very stupid!" Jose says while patting him on the back.

"LaMelo, something is extra wrong with you today!" I laugh.


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