𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿

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We arrive at my house and I unlock the front door walking straight to the kitchen.

"You guys can stay downstairs and I'll be back down in a few!" My mom walks upstairs to her room.

I open the refrigerator and I grab some shredded cheese and butter.

"Are you hungry?" I asked LaMelo.

"A little bit," he says while sitting in a bar stool along the kitchen counters. "Are you going to cook something?"

"I'm making myself a quesadilla, would you like one?"

LaMelo nods in response.

Before I start cooking I walk to my room and change into some sweats and a sweatshirt. I throw my hair into a messy bun and I also throw on my glasses because my eyes start to hurt.

I walk back to the kitchen and LaMelo sits there in shock

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I walk back to the kitchen and LaMelo sits there in shock.

"You wear glasses?" He exclaims.

"Yes," I say while walking to the pantry grabbing paper plates.

"Let me see!" LaMelo says while hopping off of the stool and walking over to me.

He reaches for my glasses and I dodge his hands.

"What, why?" I asked still avoiding him.

"I want to see how blind you are!"

I take my glasses off and I hand them to LaMelo.

"Oh you aren't that blind!" He states while he takes off my glasses handing them back to me.

I ignore him because I don't know what to say to that and I put my glasses back on.

I continue to make quesadillas and LaMelo sits back down scrolling through Instagram on his phone.


After we both eat, LaMelo and I sit in the living room watching Spongebob.

"What's your favorite episode of Spongebob?" LaMelo asked randomly.

I think for a second.

"The one with the chocolate," I giggle to myself while I think of the crazy guy who chases Patrick and Spongebob around for all of their chocolate.

I glance at LaMelo and I nod my head at him.

"What about you?" I asked.

He smirks before laughing. "I love the chocolate episode too!"

We both begin to laugh.

"It's the best one!" I say.

"Chocolate!" We both say mimicking the crazy fish from the episode.

We laugh even harder before we stop and it becomes completely silent.

"So..." LaMelo says trying to break the awkward silence. "You have any siblings?"

I shake my head no.

"How about you?"

"I have two brothers," he says.

"Older or younger?"

"Older, I'm the baby!"

"Oh that makes so much sense!" I say while smiling at LaMelo.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing!" I smirk to myself and LaMelo groans.

He shoves me and I fall on the floor.

I hop up and I smack him.

LaMelo laughs and he hits me too.

We begin to play fight and we somehow end up on the floor.

I get on top of LaMelo and I grab his wrist making him hit his face.

"Why are you hittin yourself!" I say repeatedly as I make him hit himself.

LaMelo laughs and he flips us over so he's on top of me.

I let out a squeal and LaMelo laughs.

"Why are you hitting yourself?" LaMelo asked as he makes me hit myself.

I laugh and I try to stop him.

He begins to lean down towards me and I stop laughing.


I hear my moms room door open and she begins to walk downstairs.

"Alright children, lets go!" I hear her say.

LaMelo immediately gets off of me and he clears his throat.

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