𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟼

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Monday finally rolls around and I wake up bright and early.

The sun is rising, the birds are chirping, I'm almost ready for school, things are looking great today.

I finish up the last of my makeup, it isn't very heavy but it's still there, before looking at the time.

"Only six thirty five?" I ask myself.

I open my phone up and I decide to take a few selfies.

I end up taking a bunch of pictures.

I look through my camera roll and I make a disgusted face at most of the pictures.

"Out of fifty pictures I only like one!"
I click the photo and I post it on Instagram.


Its_Dayaa why you keep playin games, playin game?

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Its_Dayaa why you keep playin games, playin game?

As soon as I post the picture, I get a few hundred likes.

Currently I have 1,408 followers on my Instagram.

People start to comment the basic heart eyes (😍😍😍) and the other basic shining eyes emojis (🤩🤩🤩).

I like their comments and reply to a couple of them.

There is a specific comment that catches my eye.

JoseDeLaRosa is it too early to make you mine? 🤔

JoseDeLaRosa Damn 🤤

I smile at Jose's comments and I like them.

I reply to the first one with simple shrugging emojis.

"Daya, you can take the car today! I'm not feeling well!" I hear my mom yell from the top of the stairs.

I open my room door and I walk to the bottom of the stairs.

My mom dangles her keys ready to throw them and I hold my hands up ready to catch them.

She drops the keys and I smile at her.

"Text me when you make it to school or else," my mom threatens.

She lets out a cough and sniffles a few times before walking back to her room.

I grab my backpack and I make sure I have my license before walking to my moms car.

I unlock it and I hop inside.


A short while later I'm at school.

It is pretty empty because of how early it is.

I pull out my phone and text my mom.

I made it ❤️

Mother Dearest 💕 okay, have a good day.

You too, I hope you feel better

Walking towards he cafeteria, I sit at an empty table as I place my AirPods into my ears.

I click shuffle on my playlist and a catchy beat starts playing.

Placing my head on the table, I close my eyes and listen to the music.

Everything around me fades away and I'm in my own little world.

It's not until I feel a tap on my shoulder that I lift my head up.

I'm greeted with familiar brown eyes and an even more familiar smile.

"Hey!" I smile trying to hide my excitement to see this person.

"Hey," is all they say before sitting next to me at the table. "Did you miss me?"

I laugh softly.

"It's only been a few days," I reply.

"So," the person sighs. "It's only been a few days for me and I still missed you!"

"Tracy, you're so extra!"

We both laugh for a second until she suddenly stops.

"So, anything interesting happen over break?" Tracy asked while twirling a piece of hair around her finger.

"Me and Jose went to the fair together..."

Tracy gasps and she claps her hands.

"Finally!" She explains. "He finally grew a pair and took my advice!"

"What do you mean?" I asked while glancing at her.

"He told me he was interested in you and that he needed my help to let you know!" Tracy says before pausing and then speaking again.

"Remember when I told you to let me know if you had feelings for Jose at the beach?" Tracy asked looking at me with wide eyes.

"Um, yeah?"

"Well, he has been trying to make his move for the longest! He's always talks about how much he likes your personality and your smarts and your attitude and your eyes and your smile and your laugh and your sense of style and your-" Tracy gets cut off by Clarissa sitting across from us.

"Oh hey," Tracy says while rolling her eyes at Clarissa.

Me and Clarissa look at each other and if glares could kill, they would have killed me right then and there.

But then again, I would've killed her too.


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