𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻

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After school that day, I wait for my mom at this gym across the street from my school.

I sit on a couch on my phone and I feel the couch dip beside me.

LaMelo looks at me and he smiles.

"Hey, don't forget to send the homework in the chat!" He says before playing a game on his phone.


"Don't forget...please," LaMelo says back.

I go to the group chat and I send pictures of the homework.

I see LaMelo typing on his phone and then my phone vibrates.


LᴀMᴇʏᴏ Good shit!

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾 thank you 🙏🏾

Tʀᴀᴄʏ real mvp

Cʟᴀʀɪssᴀ thanks

I leave the chat and I go back to my game.

"Did you know that Clarissa works at the pool across from here?" LaMelo asked.

I glance at him. "Nope,"

"Yeah," LaMelo says. "She be like you see this pool...it's my pool, I'm the sheriff of this town!"

I look at him with an eyebrow raised and then I laugh.

"LaMeyo, you're so random,"

LaMelo laughs before speaking. "Who's LaMeyo? What type of name is LaMeyo?"

LaMelo starts laughing.

"I thought your name was LaMeyo!" I laugh.

"No, it's LaMelo," LaMelo states before laughing again. "LaMeyo...what type of name?"

I join in on his laughter. "What type of name is LaMelo?"

"Shit, it's better than LaMayo!" LaMelo laughs harder.


About thirty minutes later, my mom picks me up from the gym.

I hop in the car and I look at my mom.

"How was school?" She asked while reversing the car.

"It was cool, my new peers are very nice!"


The next week of summer school goes by quickly.

We have our midterm at the end of this week and LaMelo is freaking out about not getting anything.

Currently, we are doing a worksheet.

I'm right in the middle of a problem when LaMelo comes up to me asking for help.

"You just do this like that!" I explain while showing LaMelo how to do the problem correctly.

"Look at me doing this one and tell me where I'm wrong!"

LaMelo begins to do the problem and I watch him catching his mistake quickly.

I grab his pencil from his hand and I explain what he did wrong.

"Good shit my nigga!" LaMelo says while dabbing me up!

I look at him and I smack my lips.

I hit LaMelo lightly on his arm and he looks at me in shock.

"Don't say nigga!" I say to him.

"I'm black though!"

"No you're not!" I reply messing with him.

"Wow," LaMelo says while being extra as fuck. "I'm only black when you need me to be black!"

I laugh before finishing my worksheet.

Mr.Servell teaches another lesson and I get a text from the group chat.


LᴀMᴇʏᴏ D you gotta help me with this shit! I'm so confused.

Tʀᴀᴄʏ me too...

Cʟᴀʀɪssᴀ I'll teach you Tracy.

LᴀMᴇʏᴏ damn....just said forget LaMelo

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾 if you need help I got you Melo 💯

LᴀMᴇʏᴏ I'd rather have Saya teach me.. she is a bomb 👏🏾 as 👏🏾 teacher 👏🏾

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾 hm okay

Mᴇ I'll help whoever needs it 😇

Cʟᴀʀɪssᴀ whoever wants to kick LaMelo out of the chat for being fake say "I" 🥶

Tʀᴀᴄʏ I

Mᴇ I

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾 nah

Cʟᴀʀɪssᴀ aha three to one, bye LaMelo!

Clarissa removed LaMelo from the conversation. Thur, June 14, 1:24pm

Mᴇ 😭😭😭

Daya added LaMelo to the conversation. Thur, June 14, 1:25pm

LᴀMᴇʏᴏ Fuck MATH and this CHAT!!!

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾 damn.

Tʀᴀᴄʏ 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Cʟᴀʀɪssᴀ 🤦🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️

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