𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟿

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Once I make it home, I go straight to my room.

I walk into my bathroom and I turn on the shower.

Humming to myself, I strip myself from my clothes before hopping in the shower.

I let the warm water hit my body and I let out a sigh.

I grab my loofah and I squeeze my soap onto it.

I wash my body and then I grab the shampoo proceeding to wash my hair.

I hear my phone chime as I get out the shower.

Wrapping a towel around my body and hair, I walk to the counter grabbing my phone.

A new message from Jose.

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾 sorry I didn't say bye to you. I just had to leave before I did something stupid

You're fine

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾 are you home?

Yeah , I just got out of the shower.

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾oh same here

I look at the message and I leave Jose on read.

I get another text that comes in and I read it.

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾 do you want to go somewhere tomorrow?

Then another one.

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾 I wanna make up what I did to you...I feel so bad.

Don't feel bad, we were just playin ariund.


Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾so, I still almost killed you..


You didn't

And I'm fine 🙂

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾 sheesh am I that bad of a guy you don't wanna go out with me

You're a great guy. I just don't think you have to take me out to make anything up to me

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾 how about this...can you hang out tomorrow?

I can

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾 okay, I'll be at your house by four

Okay 😊😂

Jose leaves me on read.

I proceed to play games on my phone before Jose text me again.

His next text makes me laugh.

Jᴏsᴇ👌🏾 I'm gonna need you address first 😂😭


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