𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟷

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Before I know it Jose is putting his car in park and we are hopping out of his car.

We both walk to the ticket booth and Jose buys a bunch of tickets.

"So, what do you want to do first?" Jose asked while looking around at all of the fair activities.

"Hmm," I think for a moment. "Anything,"

"Farris wheel?"


Jose wraps his arm around my shoulder and I smile up at him.

We walk over the the Ferris wheel and Jose hands the worker eight tickets.

"Have fun!" The worker smiles at me and Jose and we both nod our heads at her.

We end up getting our own cart because it's only two to a seat and there are no single riders.

I can feel the ride start to lift up and stop so other people can get on.

I always start to freak out around this part of the ride.

I feel my body tense up and Jose chuckles.

"Are you afraid of heights?" Jose asked while looking at me.

"No, I just don't like being up in the air for too long!"

Jose laughs harder and I laugh with him.

"Yeah," a smile spreads across my face. "I'm afraid of heights!"

Jose chuckles one more time.

"You're such a baby," he laughs.

"Hey," I exclaim. "Being afraid of heights is not that uncommon,"

I cross my arms over my chest.

"Yeah but it's not like you're gonna fall,"

I glance at Jose unsure of how to reply to that.

"But I could fall,"

Jose laughs again and I find myself laughing along with him.

"I wouldn't let you fall,"

"How would you stop me from falling?" I asked curiously.
"I'd hold onto your hand so that I could hold us both on the cart!"

"Oh who are you spider man?" I asked.

"Only if you'll be my Mary Jane!"

I can see Jose smirking to himself and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"I um-" I stutter at a loss for words.

Jose grabs my hand and I blush even more.

His hands are super soft compared to my rough ones.

"You can't beat this view though, it is beautiful!" Jose says.

Our cart moves down slightly and I squeeze Jose's hand.

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