𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷

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After reading for a whole two hours, I make my way to the cafeteria.

I see Clarissa and Tracy sitting at a table and I walk up to them.

"Hey Daya!" Clarissa says all cheerfully.

"Hey," I state while flashing her a smile.

Tracy smiles at me and she waves.

"Dude, I heard Mr. Servell is giving us a quiz on the stuff we learned last week," Tracy says. "I don't get that shit!"

"I can help you, I was helping LaMelo with his work earlier today," Clarissa states while typing on her phone.

"You were helping him?" I asked. 

See, I swear I tried hard as hell to not sound jealous, but I couldn't help myself...I was a bit jealous.

Why would LaMelo go to her for help?

LaMelo comes to me for help and now he doesn't want to? For why?

Wait a minute, why do I even care so much?

I roll my eyes and Clarissa raises an eyebrow at me.

"You okay D?" Jose asked as he walks up to the table taking a seat across from me.

"I'm fine..." I grab my phone and I scroll through Instagram for the rest of lunch.


After lunch is over I make my way to Mr.Servell's classroom.

Once I'm inside, I sit down in my seat on my phone.

The bell rings and I put my phone away.

"Alright, hurry up and get in your seats! You've got a quiz today!" Mr.Servell exclaims.

"You didn't tell us about a damn quiz, Servell!" Some kid in the back of the classroom says.

"Stop whining like a little baby, it's a partner quiz!" Mr. Servell says.

All around the classroom you here people saying things like thank goodness and let's go!

"But there's a catch!"

"Oh come on Servell!" Jose groans while throwing his head back.

I laugh at his actions.

"I'm gonna pick your partners and it's going to be completely random!" Mr. Servell states as he walks towards his computer.

He opens up a tab with a random parter generator.

"I put all of your names in this completely random partner generator and it picked your partners for you. Go ahead and find your name and meet up with your partner."

I find my name and I look next to it to find my partner for the quiz.

I don't know why I was surprised to see that my name next to LaMelo's, but I am.

LaMelo sits next to me and I glance at him.

"I wanna do the test by myself so don't help me..." LaMelo says as he puts in his AirPods and presses play on his music.

I stare at him for a second unaware of what to say to him so I decide to stay quiet.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I think to myself.

I tap on LaMelo's shoulder and he takes out one of his AirPods.


"Are you sure you don't want any he-"

"Yes I'm sure. Just sit back and relax and don't talk to me so I can concentrate!"

He places his AirPod back in his ear before working on the test again.

I sit there with nothing to do so I just put my head down and take a nap.


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