𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟽

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Jose is the one who walks away from LaMelo.

LaMelo looks at me and I look at him for a second before looking away.

"I'm going home," LaMelo pulls out his phone. "Daniella, come pick me up!"

He walks away talking on the phone.

I see Tracy sitting down drinking a soda.

"You okay?" Tracy asked as I sit next to her.

"I'm fine, have you seen Jose?"

"I think he went home...I'm not sure." Tracy states.

"I can come help you find him if you'd like?"

I get up and Tracy does the same.

We walk around searching for Jose, but I can't find him.

Tracy pulls out her phone and she calls someone.

She puts her phone on speaker and I hear the phone ringing.

"Hello," Jose says.

"Jose? Where are you a-" Tracy starts.

"Aha, I'm playing. This is my voicemail, leave a message!" Jose's voice says through the phone.

Tracy rolls her eyes before ending the call.

"I hate that stupid ass voicemail..." Tracy trails off then speaks again. "I hope he doesn't do anything stupid,"

I look at her for a second not sure what to say.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Whenever Jose gets pissed off he does something really stupid," Tracy explains.

Clarissa walks up to me and Tracy and she sighs.

"LaMelo and Jose never fight," Clarissa states while shaking her head.

There's a slight pause before Clarissa speaks again.

"And now they're fighting over a stupid ass girl,"

"What?" Tracy asked shocked.

"Um, excuse me?" I glare at Clarissa.

"Oh no, I-I didn't mean it like that!" Clarissa exclaims while shaking her head again. "I just mean like the fact that they're fighting over a single girl when there are plenty of better fish in the sea-"

"Oh yeah, just shut the fuck up before you see Zendaya.."

"Who?" Clarissa asked.

"She's a side of me you never wished you'd seen!" I flash a smile at Clarissa and she clears her throat while walking away.

I hear footsteps approaching behind me.

"Daya, come here we need to talk!"

Before I even have a chance to respond the person is pulling me away.


After being dragged for a few minutes, me and the person finally reach a private spot.

He pulls up two chairs placing them across from each other.

"Sit down," they demand.

I sit in the chair while rolling my eyes.

"LaMelo, what do you want?" I asked while crossing my arms over my chest.

LaMelo stares at me and then he opens his mouth to speak.

Nothing comes out.

"If you're not gonna talk then I'll just go!" I get up out of my chair getting ready to walk away.

"No," LaMelo yells. "Sit down,"

I sigh while sitting back down.

"Daya, why are you doing this to me?" LaMelo asked.

"Doing what?"

"Why! Why are you like playing with my emotions?"

"I'm playing with your emotions?" I asked.


"So what do you call you and Clarissa?"

"Me and Clarissa are just friends!" He says frustrated.

"Okay..." I stare at LaMelo for a second. "We're just friends too. What's your point?"

LaMelo looks at me shaking his head.

"I don't wanna be just friends with you Daya,"

I look at LaMelo dead in the eyes.

I stare at him trying to figure out if he's being serious.

"Then why have you been acting so different since you kissed me?" I asked.

At this point I'm getting frustrated.

"I just didn't know how to go about it! I was scared you wouldn't like a guy like me because honestly Daya, you don't deserve a guy like me, you deserve better than me!"

"That's no excu-" I start to say.

I'm interrupted by LaMelo placing his lips on mine.

I find myself kissing him back but, I realize what I'm doing and I pull away.


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