𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟽

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The next day I wake up and do my chores, I am currently washing dishes in the kitchen.

"Daya, do you wanna go to the store with me?" My mom asked walking into the kitchen.

I shake my head no while looking at her.

"I have a lot to clean before work and I want to try to take a nap before I go in today!" I reply.

My mom nods her head and grabs her keys from the key rack.

"If you talk to LaMelo today tell him I said hi!" My mom states.

"If I talk to LaMelo?" I ask. "I'm not gonna-"

Just as I start to speak my phone rings.

I look at the screen and I roll my eyes.

"Tell him I said hi!" My mom says with a smirk on her face as she walks out the door.

I answer the call and LaMelo starts speaking.

"DAYA!" he explains. "PUT THE CALL ON FACETIME!"

I place my phone up and I switch the call to FaceTime.

LaMelo's face pops up on the screen and he smiles at me.

"HEY!" he yells.

I scrunch my face up.

"Hi, why are you yelling?"


"Who?" I asked confused. 

I wipe down the counter and LaMelo laughs.

"Him!" He states while laughing harder.

I glance at my screen and I see the dog sitting there.

"FUCK YOU!" I yell and I hang up the call!

I finally finish the kitchen and then I sit down at the table.

I scroll through Instagram on my phone and then I get a text from LaMelo on Snapchat.

Melo your friend misses you !

Ion miss him

Melo you're meannnn

Melo you gone make him cry

Idc ugly ahh boy

Melo now imma cry

😭 crybaby!

Melo you're so mean

Thanks I try

After I text LaMelo for a while I get ready for work.

I have a short shift today and then I'll come home and study for Mr.Servells math test tomorrow.


"You ready to get this A!" Jose states while walking over to me and dabbing me up.

"Yes sir!" I exclaim while dabbing him up.

"Oh my goodness I'm gonna fail!" Tracy states while putting her hands over her face. "I tried to study but this shit is hard!"

LaMelo laughs causing me and Tracy to look at him.

"That's what she said," LaMelo states as he walks to his seat.

I roll my eyes and Tracy laughs a bit.

"Alright y'all sit down and get out a pencil," Mr. Servell states.

I go into my backpack and I grab a pencil.

I put my AirPods into my ear and press play on my music.

Mr. Servell passes out the test and I look at the first question.

Fuck, I don't even know the answer to this question I think to myself.

I tap my pencil on my desk and I bite my lip softly.


The next day, Mr. Servell comes into the classroom.

"Alright, I graded your test. Some of you did good and the rest of you did...horribly!" He states as he passes out the papers.

He passes me my test and it is faced down.

Oh shit, that's not a good sign, I say to myself.

I bite my lip before flipping the paper over.

Glancing at the top of the paper I see a giant red A++ on the paper!

I turn my body towards LaMelo and I put on a fake sad face.

"What did you get?" I asked him.

He smirks and looks me up and down.

"My score is gonna be pretty hard to beat!" LaMelo states as he turns his paper around.

It reads an A+.

"Challenge accepted!" I smile while turning my paper around.

LaMelo's jaw drops to the floor and I start to laugh.

"Who's the math queen?" I asked LaMelo.

He shrugs his shoulders and I laugh.

"Not you," he states.

"Mm haters gonna hate," Clarissa states while laughing.

"Right," I state and we all start laughing.

The Tutor | LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now