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The bell finally rings to go home and me, Tracy, and Clarissa walk down the stairs together.

"Daya!" Someone yells behind us.

We all turn and see LaMelo walking towards us.

I stop walking and Tracy and Clarissa say goodbye because they are in a rush.

LaMelo finally makes it to me and he walks with me.

"Why aren't you with Jose? Doesn't he usually take you home or something?" I asked while taking my AirPods out of the case and popping one in my ear.

"Yeah, but I needed to ask you a favor!" LaMelo states.

"What's up?" I asked while pressing play on my music.

"Can you give me a ride home? Jose had to rush to work and he doesn't have time to take me today!"

I look at LaMelo and I shake my head.

"Don't you have parents?" I asked him.

He nods his head yes.

"My mom and dad aren't in town right now..." he trails off.

I sigh as me and LaMelo continue to walk to the parking lot.

I can feel my moms eyes on the two of us.

"Let me ask my mom," I state while walking towards the car.

LaMelo follows me towards the car but I turn towards him.

"Wait here!" I say.

My mom rolls down the window.

"Who's the boy?" She asked with amusement in her voice.

I roll my eyes.

"Just my friend, remember the one that needs me to be his tutor...he needs a ride home. He said his parents aren't in town this weekend or something like that." I state while shrugging my shoulders.

"I have been driving all day Daya!" My mom states. "I'm tired of driving!"

"You don't have to take him..."

"So he's going to be home alone all weekend?" My mom asked.

I nod my head.

"Tell him to come on, I'll take him home!" My mom says with the biggest grin on her face.

"You have to sit in the back," my mom states while moving her pure and laptop into the passengers seat.

She smiles and winks at me before saying "This seat is full!"

Turning my attention back to LaMelo I wave him to the car.

"She said yes?" He asked with a bright smile.

"Yeah, come on."

I reach to open the door but LaMelo opens it for me.

"Ladies first," he says as I get into the car. "Momma ain't raise no fool...I have to be a gentleman!"

I smile to myself he's so stupid.

"Thank you," I say as I get in the car.

"No problem, Daya!"

Once we get in the car and buckled up, my mom looks at me and LaMelo through the mirrors.

"Hi, I'm Desirae it's nice to meet you..." my mom introduces herself but then trails off so LaMelo could introduce himself.

"Oh right- I'm LaMelo,"

"Nice to meet you," my mom says. "Where do you live son?"

LaMelo tells my mom his address and she puts it into the GPS.

"Dang, you live far!" I state.

"You know what! I need to give my hands a rest they're over here cramping up," my mom says while stretching her fingers. "Is it alright if we go back to my house for an hour or two, then I'll take you home?"
LaMelo nods his head.

"Sure, I don't have anything else to do!"

So she thinks she's slick slick? I think to myself. She thinks LaMelo is cute for me and now she thinks she's doing something by bringing him to our house!

"Mom, we don't want to keep LaMelo out too late!" I say.

"It won't be too late!" My mom says while driving out of the schools parking lot.

Oh lord, I hate my life right now!

The Tutor | LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now