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"You want me to what?" I look at LaMelo while picking up my lunch tray.

"I'm not going to keep my A+ without you, I really need your help." He replies while grabbing a tray too.

"I know why you need me to do it, but like why me?"

LaMelo groans as he grabs an apple moving further along through the lunch line.

"Because," he pauses while looking at me "You're a bomb ass teacher!"

I can feel LaMelo's eyes on me and I blush slightly.

"When?" I asked.

"When are you free?" LaMelo asked. "I'm free any day except after school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday!"

So you're free on Friday and the weekends? I think to myself.

"I have things to do everyday of the week..." I reply while typing my ID number in to get my lunch.

It takes a few seconds for LaMelo to do the same thing and I wait for him outside.

"What are you busy with?" LaMelo asked while looking me up and down.

"My mom isn't going to drive me to your house ever weekend so I can tutor you for free." I reply while walking to a table and sitting at it.

"Free? I'll pay you! Ten an hour!" LaMelo says while putting a hand on my shoulder.

I smack my lips.

"She works during the weekends and I need a ride!"

"You know what this sounds like?" LaMelo asked while rolling his eyes. "A bunch of excuses!"

Before I have a chance to reply, LaMelo walks away.

"Wait!" I say while grabbing his arm.

"You're just going to leave me alone?" I asked.

He thinks for a second before sitting back down.

"You're right, I can't leave you because you're still my nigga!"

I smack my lips before taking a bite out of my apple.

"Where is Clarissa and Tracy?" I asked.

LaMelo shrugs his shoulders before opening his apple juice.


After lunch is over, me and LaMelo walk to class together.

"So just to make sure, you're not going to teach me?"

"Oh my gosh! You want me to text my mom and ask her?"

LaMelo nods his head and he smiles.

"Okay, fine." I get out my phone and I text me mom.

She answers in a few minutes.

Mᴇ can I tutor a friend during the weekends?

Mᴏᴍ girl or boy?

Mᴇ boy.

Mᴏᴍ I'll think about it.

I show LaMelo the phone and he frowns.

"So, that's a no?" LaMelo says once he is finished reading the message. "I'll give you a ride if you need one, or I'll just meet you at your house!"

"She'll say yes," I reply. "Just let me know when and where."

"My house at five on Friday?" LaMelo says while looking down at me.

I look up at him trying not to blush at his towering figure that is hovering over me.

"Okay, sounds like a plan!" I say quickly before walking into the classroom.


While we go to break, Tracy and Clarissa say they have to use the bathroom.

We all walk to the cafeteria since that restroom is always cleaner than the outside restroom and Clarissa and Tracy go to the bathroom while me, LaMelo, and Jose sit at a table inside.

"We should just stay in here, it's nice and cold and we're in here alone!" Jose says once we are sitting down.

I nod my head.

A few minutes later Tracy and Clarissa come to the table.

We all sit there in silence.


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