𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟹

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After hanging in the petting zoo for a while, Jose and I decide to get some food.

Jose gets a corn dog and I get some of the most delicious fries I have ever eaten in my whole entire life.

As we sit at the table, my phone buzzes signaling that I have a new message.

Mother Dearest 💕 wya? How's everything going?

Everything is fine..

Mother Dearest 💕 when are you going to come home?

Do I have a curfew

Mother Dearest 💕 I mean...don't stay out too late

"Who's that?" Jose asked.

"My mom," I reply while texting my mom back.

"Does she want you home?!" Jose asked while grabbing his keys. "I can take you home if you need to be home!"

I laugh at Jose.

His face is all flustered and his voice is obviously filled with worry.

"You're fine, she was just checking on me!"

Jose lets out a sigh and he wipes away imaginary sweat.

"Do you want to go home?"

I shake my head no.

"I'm all yours," I wink at Jose and he turns a light shade of red.

I grab a fry and I pop it in my mouth.

"Can I have a fry?"


Jose grabs two fries off of my tray.

"Hey!" I exclaim. "I said one!"


It's getting pretty dark out and the fair is going to close in an hour.

"My feet hurt," I say as Jose and I walk around the fair trying to figure out how to spend our last tickets.

"We can head to my car if you want!"

"If you want to go on one more ride that's fine, I can wait a few minutes."

"I want to win you a teddy bear," Jose says while slowly nodding his head. "It's not a real carnival date if you don't leave with a teddy bear!"

Jose and I walk hand in hand to a booth.

All Jose has to do is make a three pointer.

"Good luck," I give Jose a thumbs up.


Jose dribbles the ball and twirls it in his hand.

He shoots his shot, his shooting for is perfect.

The ball spins on the rim almost tipping itself out but in the end, the ball tips in.

"Pick a prize any prize!" The booth worker says showing off his prizes.

Jose glances at me and motions for me to come over to him.

"Can I get the giant teddy bear?" I asked.

Jose nods and looks at the worker.

The worker grabs one of the bears and smiles at me and Jose.

"Enjoy the bear, congrats!"

I grab Jose's hand and we walk away from the booth and towards his car.

We hop inside and sit there silently for a while.

"Did you have fun?" Jose asked.

I nod my head yes.

"Good," Jose smiles before leaning over to me and pecking me on the lips.

I cup his cheek and peck his lips back.

I place a peck on his lips and then one more.

And another....



"Stop," Jose chuckles while turning his face away from me.

I laugh and Jose laughs with me.


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