𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟷

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The next morning, well I mean kind of the same morning, I take a shower and get ready for work.

I put my hair in a bun and place my hat on my head.

"Mom, are you ready?" I asked while walking past her room and down the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" She yells down the stairs.


I make it to work and my boss looks at me.

"Hey Daya, you ready?" He asked me.

I smile and nod my head before clocking in and washing my hands.

I put on a pair of gloves and I hop on taco bar.

My coworker Brandy smiles at me.

She has brown hair and brown eyes. Her arms are covered in colorful tattoos that I adore so much.

"Daya, I haven't seen you in a long time? What's up?" Brandy asked while throwing a burrito shell into the burrito shell heater.

I get the wrap for the burrito and I place it on the counter in between the two of us.

Brandy places the hot shell onto the wrap and she puts beans and taco meat on it.

I scoot the paper over with the shell, beans, and taco meat on it and I throw some cheese on it.

"Nothing much, I've just been in summer school!" I reply while I wrap the burrito. "What's up with you?"

"Nothin much, just work and school." Brandy states while handing me a taco shell.

I wonder what LaMelo's doing right now...

I place all of the ingredients needed into the taco and Brandy looks at me.

I wonder if he is-

Brandy looks up at the computer screen above us and she laughs interrupting my thoughts.

She hands me another taco shell.

"No cheese!" Brandy says.

I groan and she chuckles to herself.

I make the taco the correct way and I mark the wrapper as no cheese.

"Who are you thinkin about DD?"

I laugh and I smack my lips playfully.

"Nobody!" I reply before continuing to make the food.


After work I sit in the dining room waiting for my mom to come and pick me up.

Mother dearest 💕 stuck in traffic my love, runnin lateeeee

No problem...take your time.

I open up my Snapchat and I take a selfie in my uniform.

I post it and then I watch people's stories.

LaMelos story is him and his friends at the basketball part of the gym.

The next Snapchat is the front of a Del Taco restaurant.

I hear the door open and I look up from my phone.

I see LaMelo walk in with his friends and my heart skips a beat.

Oh my God...

LaMelo glances at me and we make eye contact but then he turns back to his friends.

They order food and then they walk to fill up their sodas.

LaMelo says something to his friends and he walks to the bathroom.

His friends pass me to pick a table to sit at and they pick the table behind me.

I go back on my phone and continue to watch people's stories.

LaMelo comes out of the bathroom and he walks to the table, right past me.

Wow, so fake! I think to myself.

A few seconds later the group of boys get up and sit at my table.

LaMelo sits next to me in the booth and I look at him.

"What's up Dayamaya!" LaMelo says happily. "I didn't know you worked at Del Taco!"

I nod my head smiling.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

He shrugs his shoulders and I roll my eyes.

"I'm kidding, I'm waiting for my brothers girlfriend to pick me up. She said she was in traffic and it would be like thirty minutes before she got here so I told her I'm getting some food!"

"Mmm, okay!" I say.

I look at LaMelos friends and I wave at them.

"Y'all wanna play heads up while we wait for our food?" One of his friends asked.

"Sure, why not!" I reply.


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