𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷0

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After dropping off LaMelo, me and my mom go to my job to get some food.

We are currently in line waiting to order.

"Did you guys have fun?" My mom asked.

I look at her with an eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean by fun?" I asked her.

"I mean was it fun child of mine?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"It was whatever!" I look down and I think about what almost happened.

This causes me to blush.

I wonder what would've happened if my mom didn't interrupt us I smile to myself and I imagine what would've went down.

Damn, just imagine if his fine ass would've kissed me...I would've sucked on his juicy ass li- my thoughts are interrupted by the speaker.

"Hi welcome to Del Taco, my names Sam what can I make fresh for you today?"

"Hi Sam, can I have four half pound bean and cheese burritos with red sauce? Can you make those bold burritos with extra cheese, could you also make those well done for me please?" My mom asked into the speaker.

"Yeah no problem!" Sam says happily. "Would you like to add a strawberry lemonade for just a dollar more?"

My mom nods her head yes and I roll my eyes because they can't see her.

"Sure, why not. Go ahead and add two of them,"

"Alrighty I'll have that total for you at the window!" Sam says.

My mom pulls up and she pays for the food.

As we make our way home, me and my mom eat in the car.

Man these burritos smack!


Finally, we arrive home and my mom walks up to her room because she is tired.

I follow her upstairs to my room and I fall on my bed.

I sit the for a while before I close my eyes and open them again, fighting my sleep.

I'm not even that tired, I say to myself.

I close my eyes again but then I open them when my phone vibrates next to me.

I see the phone light up and I grab it.

The phone unlocks with my Face ID and I pull down the notification bar.

Snapchat...Melo sent a chat

My heartbeat increase once I see that notification.

I sit there for a second before I open up my Snapchat.

I open the chat a few minutes later and I laugh at the message.

Melo your mom seems cool

Hey, don't get too comfortable now!

I sit around waiting for LaMelo to respond but as I'm waiting I drift off to sleep.


He stands at the edge of my bed stripping himself from his clothes.

I look up at him and I bite my lip.

"Come here," I demand him.

The boy climbs onto my bed and kisses me softly starting at my lips and making his way down towards my breast.

I pull him back up to my lips and I kiss him back...this time with more lust and he follows suit.

"I wanna make you feel good baby girl," the boy says as he breaks the kiss.

He grinds his hips into mine and I moan softly.

I feel his member rub against me and I arch my back repeatedly rubbing myself against him.

"Fuck, Daya!" He says as he pushes my hips down onto the bed.

He slides his hands down into my pants rubbing slowly on my lips before entering a finger into me suddenly.

"Fuck LaMelo!" I moan his name and he rubs faster.

"Don't stop!" I moan.


My eyes fly open and I look around the room.

"What the fuck!" I whisper to myself.

I look at my phone to check the time and I see it's three in the morning.

I open the new Snapchat notification.

Melo that's my mom now tf

I laugh at his message before replying to him.

Nah nigga tf 😭


I added a little scene in there due to a popular request to do so!

I am not sure if I'm going to continue this book because I feel like there is only a few people reading it.

I just don't feel motivated due to the lack of votes and comments 😕

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