𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟼

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Jose asked while looking at me. "You seem a little tense,"

"I'm fine," I smile up at him.

"Wanna go down to the water?" Jose asked.

"Oh no, I don't swim!"

Jose stands up wiping sand off his butt.

He puts his hand out gesturing me to grab it.

I grab it.

"I don't dance but I danced for you," Jose flashes me a smirk and I don't know why but I'm blushing.

"I mean, I guess I can put my feet in!" I take off my shoes placing them on the sand next to me.

Jose's smile widens and he starts running towards the water.

I run with him and I stop at the edge of the water.

"Come on, Daya!" Jose laughs.

"I said I'd put my feet in!" I put my hands up in surrender as I put my feet in.

"Are you afraid of water or what?"

"I just don't do the ocean!"

Jose walks towards me and he grabs me by my waist.

"I don't do dancing!" Jose states while dropping me into the deeper part of the water.

I attempt to stand up in the water, but I can't.

I'm too deep in the water and I can't swim well enough.

"Jose!" I yell trying to stay calm. "I can't swim in this-"

A wave comes and crashes into me.

Jose gets moved to the side a bit because of the wave.

"Daya, hold on I'm coming!" He yells.

I swallow some water coughing a bit.

"Jo-" another wave crashes into me causing me to cough more.

I can't breathe the water just keeps on crashing into me.

Oh my goodness, this is how I die!

I feel an arm come around me and they pull me towards what I'm assuming is the shore.

As soon as I'm able to, I gasp for air.

I feel the sand sticking to my body as they lay me on the sand.

"Dude, are you okay?" I hear Clarissa ask.

She has water dripping from her hair and her swimsuit is wet.

"I am now, thank you!"

"Jose, that wasn't a good idea!" Clarissa turns to face Jose, but he isn't there.

I sit up from the floor and I get on my feet.

"Where is he?" I asked while coughing.

"Jose?" Clarissa yells.

No answer.

"J-Jose?" I yell.

Still no answer.

I glance at Clarissa and then back at the water and then I gasp.

"Oh my god, please tell me he isn't still in there!"

Clarissa starts to run towards the water.

Jose runs out of the water and his eyes are searching for someone.

Once he spots there is a look of relief on his face.

"Daya, are you alright!" He asked while running towards me.

"I've been better, but I'm alive at least..." I trail off.

Jose's eyes get watery and he pulls me into a hug.

"That was the scariest shit that's ever happened to me!" He says while petting my head.

Jose breaks the hug and I smile at him.

"Daya!" I hear LaMelo say. "Don't scare me like that, what the fuck!"

"I didn't do it on purpose trust me,"

"I'm glad you're okay," LaMelo says.

Really? Are you really?

LaMelo glances at Jose and then back at me.

"This whole thing would've been avoided if you didn't try to hit on my girl," LaMelo shouts.

His girl? I'm not his girl!

"Daya, isn't an object, LaMelo!" Jose shouts back. "She isn't yours!"

LaMelo steps closer to Jose.

"As my best friend you should know how I feel about her!"


"What if I feel the same way about her?" He asked. "I've known her longer than you! Just because you claim you like someone doesn't mean anything. You can't control who she falls for!"

"She hasn't fallen for you, retard!" LaMelo scoffs.

I blush slightly.

They are both obviously getting angry at each other.

All eyes turn to me, Jose, and LaMelo.

"Guys, you need to calm down!" Tracy says stepping in between the two of them.

"Yeah, nows not the time..." Clarissa states.


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