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After what she had thought was successfully avoiding Chace, Livie's eyes searched for Jade. Dang Chris was right it was hard to find anyone in this masked party.

"Hey gorgeous!" Someone snuck up behind her and playfully pinched her sides.

"Chace." She spun around to face him. Guess she didn't manage to avoid him after all.

"You look stunning." He took her hand in his so he could twirl her around to fully appreciate her entire outfit.

"Thank you. You look very handsome. I'm digging the phantom of the opera mask."

"Thank you." He winked at her. "Come dance with me." He tugged on her hand.

"I think I'm going to have to decline." She scanned the balcony for Chris.

"What? Come on!" He begged.

"My shoes are killing me." Livie shrugged helplessly. She was low-key freaking out that Chris would see her with Chace – ok high-key freaking out. And she couldn't figure out why. She had just met Chris and was practically making out with him. And now she was desperate to get away from Chace so Chris wouldn't get any ideas. But he would be correct if he thought something were going on. She had spent the night at Chace's 2 weekends ago. And while they both knew it was strictly sex Livie knew Chace had feelings for her.

Chace stuck out his lower lip.

"Ok one dance!" She pushed her hand against his chest forcing him to walk backwards to the dance floor.

One song turned into 3 and then the music stopped as a huge birthday cake was rolled out and everyone sang happy birthday to Sebastian. Seb blew his candles out and thanked everyone again for coming to his party. Livie clapped along with everyone else as the music started to play again. She had lost Chace at some point during the cake and singing happy birthday. She took this as her chance to find Jade and escape.

"Hey little sister." Dex grinned at her as she shuffled through the crowd of partygoers.

"Hey!" She stopped so she could reach up and give her big brother a hug. "Did you just get here? I haven't seen you all night."

"Yeah, well I got here about 30 minutes ago."

"Oh." She wrinkled her nose, "I was just about to leave."

"Already? Usually you and JJ are shutting the place down." Dex laughed.

"My shoes are killing me." She lied.

"Yeah sure looked like it." He eyed her suspiciously.

"Bye Dex." Livie rolled her eyes. She squeezed his arm as she moved past him once again searching for Jade.

"Don't tell me you're leaving already?" Chris seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Hi." Livie couldn't stop the stupid grin from covering her face.

"Hi." He echoed.

"Yes I'm leaving. As soon as I find Jade."

"But I've not gotten your number yet." Chris smiled.

"That's not a good idea."

"I told you let me decide what's good for me." He countered.

"You don't even know me."

"That's sort of the point of me getting your number."

Livie laughed but stopped when she saw Chace not far behind Chris.

"I really have to go." Livie forced her feet to move the opposite direction.

"Oh come on!" Chris pleaded throwing his hands up. "At least give me a last name." He called after her.

Dangerously ~Chris Evans~✅Where stories live. Discover now