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"I think I should check my phone." Livie mumbled with a laugh her face down into the pillow. It was 9 am the next morning. Chris and Livie had spent the night together, and while Livie had had no intentions of Chris staying the whole night that's exactly what he ended up doing.

"Yeah me and you both." Chris didn't open his eyes nor move.

"Did you get up?" Livie asked a moment later.

"No, did you?"
"No." Livie giggled. Her phone buzzing loudly from across her room on the floor made her push herself up from bed. She pulled the throw blanket from the edge of the bed and wrapped it around her naked body. She walked over to where her phone lay and picked it up. 10 missed calls and 12 new texts from JJ. She quickly sent a reply back before sitting her phone down on her dresser.

"Do you want some coffee?" She asked Chris.

"That sounds perfect." He finally opened his eyes and sat up slowly. He swung his legs over the side of the bed pulling the blanket over his lap. He grinned at her, "Good Morning."

"Good morning." She chewed on her bottom lip with a smile.

"I'm going to need a minute before I can get up." He looked down at his lap.

Livie laughed loudly. "Maybe I can help with that." She sauntered over to him and dropped the blanket from around her.

2 hours later Livie and Chris walked down the hall to Sebastian's place. Chris followed behind Livie his hand securely in hers as she pushed Seb's door open. "Knock knock."

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to come back." Seb called from the kitchen. Livie knew that JJ had gone home last night. She hadn't gotten any details of anything happening between Seb and JJ yet.

Scott turned from where he sat in the recliner seat watching tv to smirk at Livie and Chris.

"Sorry, I truly didn't mean to steal him last night." Livie said innocently.

"You really can keep him." Scott teased.

"I just might." Livie squeezed Chris's hand.

"I just might let you." Chris took her other hand in his before pushing them behind her back and bringing her towards him.

"OK that's enough. You can leave." Seb threw a dish towel at them.

Livie laughed. "I actually have to go into work for a little while. I was just dropping him off."

"Work on a Saturday?" Seb asked.

"It's fashion week." Livie shrugged.

"Right." Seb rolled his eyes.

"So I'll see you later?" Livie turned back to Chris.

"You better." He kissed her lips. Livie pushed herself back away from him before the kiss could heat up.

"Go on then!" Seb whined teasingly.

"Goodbye boys!" Livie kissed Chris one more time and skipped out Seb's door.

"Meet me at work." Livie said into the phone as JJ answered.

"Work? Why?"

"Fashion week. I need to go pick up tickets I left there. Are you sure you're ok with me giving them away?"

"Yeah I'm good. I'll see you in a little bit."

JJ met Livie at her office 30 minutes later.

"So what happened last night after I left?" Livie twisted her hair up into a bun and secured it with a clip.

JJ shrugged and played with a frayed piece of her cut off jean shorts.

"Did he say anything? Did you kiss?"

"We kissed. After you ditched me," She shot a dirty look at her friend, "I really didn't want to be alone with the Seb and Scott. So I said I was going to go home. He hailed me a cab and kissed me before I got in. That was it."

"He hailed you a cab?" Livie wrinkled her nose in disgust.

JJ nodded, "It's whatever. Where do you need to take the tickets to?"

"Gramercy Hotel." Livie grabbed the tickets from her desk.

"Then where are you going?"

"I guess to meet back up with Chris."

"I don't think I want to see Seb." JJ followed Livie out of her office.

"Was it that awkward?" Livie looked back at JJ.

JJ shrugged. "I don't think he likes me as much as I do him."

"Do you want me to talk to him?"
"No." JJ shook her head.

"Well if you don't want to hang out with us I understand. I'm not sure what we're even doing actually."

"I'll come. I can always leave."

After dropping the tickets off they went back to Seb's.

They sat around trying to decide what to do that evening.

"It's New York City!" Livie reminded them, "There's a million things to do."

"We can go out to dinner again and then decide." Seb suggested.

"That sounds good, because I'm starving." Livie rubbed her stomach.

Chris grabbed her hand and pulled her down onto his lap.

"I think these 2 need a room." JJ said a disgusted look on her face as she watched Chris and Livie.

"Sorry." Livie pulled back from Chris with an embarrassed smile.

Walking out into the busy streets of Manhattan JJ pulled Livie back behind the others.

"You and Chris are really......serious already?" JJ asked.

"Serious?" Livie tilted her head, "No. I mean we just started dating."

"You've never dated anyone before. I just want you to take your time."

"You're the one who was always pushing me into dating." Livie reminded JJ.

"Yes, but you've gone from taking it day by day to this." JJ motioned with her hands between Livie and Chris who was walking further ahead of them oblivious to the conversation.

"We like each other." Livie shrugged it off. "I'm fine." She skipped ahead to catch up with Chris. Grabbing his hand intertwining their fingers she gave him a big smile but in the back of her mind JJ's words were circling. She could feel panic rising in her but shook her head desperate to push it away.

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