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"You had dinner with Chace last week?"

"You went through my phone?" Livie frowned.

"No." Chris shook his head, "It's been buzzing for about 10 minutes straight. I just went to turn it off. And the message was right there." Chris held her phone up before reading, "I'm so glad you called me, I've missed you a lot. I had fun at dinner. Let me know when you're free to do it again."

Livie crossed the room taking her phone from Chris.

"Is that who you were having dinner with last week when you said it was JJ?" Chris's tone wasn't accusing but more hurt.

Livie sighed, "Yes. And before you ask I don't know why I didn't tell you. I'm not hiding anything."

Chris didn't say anything.

Livie turned her phone off and set it back down on the nightstand.

"Do you still have feelings for him?" Chris finally asked.

"No." Livie answered. "I don't think-"

"You don't think?" Chris interrupted.

"I don't feel for him what I feel for you." Livie struggled to say those words. "But he is my friend. And I have missed him."

"But you do feel something for him?"

"Really? That's what you got from what I just said?" Livie shook her head in disbelief.

"Yeah my girlfriend having feelings for someone she used to sleep with who lives in the same city as her is not exactly comforting to hear."

"I don't have feelings for him! I do but not like what we have."

"That doesn't make me feel better."

"What do you want me to do? Never to speak to him again? He's best friends with Seb and my brother. It's impossible."

"Let's just forget it ok?" Chris walked around to the other side of the bed.

"Forget it?"

"Yeah. I'm not going to ask you to stay away from him. We're not kids in high school. I'm not that insecure."

"You don't have any reason to be insecure." Livie reminded him softly.

"I said I wasn't!" Chris snapped. "Look, I'm sorry, ok?" He sighed, "I don't want to fight with you on the one weekend I get to see you. I just was thrown off. I didn't realize you had seen Chace lately. Let alone lied about it."

"I'm sorry." Livie climbed on the bed towards him. "I don't want to fight either. I promise you I won't hide anything from you again."

Chris forced a tired smile. "I'm beat, I'm going to bed."

Livie nodded turning off the lamp she climbed in bed next to Chris.

The next morning Chris seemed to have moved on from the whole Chace situation. They took Dodger with them over to Lisa's for brunch. Everyone was already there by the time they arrived. Sunday morning brunch with Chris's family was such a polar opposite to anything she had ever been apart of. Sunday morning breakfast growing up was her mom at one end of the table, her father at the opposite and Dex and herself in the middle across from one another. No one even spoke hardly. And Livie would count down until she was finally dismissed. But at Chris's house they all sat at the table or breakfast bar. Pancakes were grabbed across the table from one another. Bacon was stolen from each other's plates. And when Chris's nephew accidentally spilled his orange juice Lisa swept him up in a big hug assuring him accidents happen before she even began to clean it up. Livie could have stayed all day but since she was going home the next day she did want to spend as much time alone with Chris as she could.

"I really like your family." Livie looked over at Chris as they drove back to his place.

"They really like you." Chris smiled. Taking Livie's hand he brought it to his lips kissing her softly on her knuckles.

"I hope so." She looked out the window.

"What do you say to me coming to New York next weekend?"

"Really?" Livie looked back at him, "It's Halloween. We always throw a big party at.....Chace's." She said flatly.

"Oh. Well that's ok. Unless you don't want me to come."

"No I definitely want you to come. I love Halloween and the party is always one of the best of the year. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"Chace doesn't make me uncomfortable." Chris had to smile at Livie.

"I know. I mean it would be awkward." Livie shifted uncomfortably.

"Babe, I'm confident in us. Being around him doesn't bother me. I told you last night there are no insecurities."

"That's very...mature of you."

Chris shrugged, "I trust you. You could have had him. You chose me."

Leaving to go back to New York wasn't fun. Livie tried not to cry. What was happening to her? Not only was she in deep with her first real relationship she was also in a long distance relationship. She hated it.

She didn't allow herself to cry in front of Chris but ended up crying pretty much the whole way back to New York. It sucked but still her time with Chris outweighed how bad she felt right now.

She got back into the city after 8:00 by the time she dropped the rental car off and caught a ride back into Manhattan. She was starving and freezing. Temperatures seemed much cooler than they usually were in October. She wished she would have kept Chris's hoodie. She didn't know why she didn't think of it.

Once home she dropped her stuff off and grabbed a sweater before calling JJ who was at Seb's with the rest of the group. She wasted no time in going there herself.

Walking in she grinned. The boys were playing poker and there was pizza on the oven.

"Switching it up huh? Thought this was a Friday night ritual." She tossed her bag down.

"Hey you're back!" Chace smiled. Livie nodded smiling back. Just as she was about to grab the seat next to him Tessa walked out of the bathroom.

Livie froze.

"Oh hi Livie!" Tessa smiled.

Livie plastered a fake smile on her face as Tessa took the seat next to Chace. She instead walked over and grabbed a slice of pizza. Having a long distance boyfriend really sucked.

Dangerously ~Chris Evans~✅Where stories live. Discover now