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Livie peered nervously into the home from the dark foyer. Chris held his hand out for her soaking wet cardigan which he accepted in exchange for the hoodie. Chris pulled his wet t-shirt over his head as he slid his shoes off.

"Ma?" He called into the house.

"Chris?" A woman's voice came from the back of the house, "What in the world?" She asked confused as she flipped the lights on, the foyer light being one of them.

"We got caught in the rain." Chris said sheepishly.

"It appears that way. Poor dears, come in come in. Chris run upstairs and grab some extra clothes. You must be Livie." A warm smile spread across her face before she pulled the girl in for a hug.

"Yes ma'am." Livie replied politely. She didn't know how to react to his mother's hug. She couldn't remember a time when her own mother hugged her this tenderly.

"Ma'am?" She laughed, "None of that. Call me Lisa. Come inside let me get you something warm to drink." She led the way into the coziest living room Livie had ever seen.

"Sit down." Lisa instructed.

"My pants are wet." Livie muttered. She felt so embarrassed. This was not how she intended on meeting his family.

Lisa laughed, "The couch will dry my dear. Sit, sit." She ushered her to the overstuffed couch. Livie thought of how her own mother would freak out if the slightest water, dirt, food, anything got on her couch. And Chris's mom was so relaxed about it. Livie on the other hand sat stiffly on the couch doing her best to not get the couch to wet while waiting for Chris to return with extra clothes.

"How does hot chocolate sound?" Lisa asked.

Livie nodded, "Thank you."

"Here you go." Chris walked into the living room moments later in dry dark sweats and white t-shirt. He handed Livie a pair of sweats and a Red Sox shirt. "This was the smallest I could find. The pants have a drawstring though." He smiled at her.

"Thank you." She stood up taking the clothes from Chris's hands. "Where should I...." She trailed off.

"Oh, upstairs second door on the left is my bedroom, old bedroom." Chris pointed up the steps.

Walking into Chris's old bedroom made her smile. A twin bed, a desk and a dresser were all that was in the room, however he still had lot's of pictures scattered throughout the room. She quickly peeled off her wet pants and underwear too since they were unfortunately wet. She pulled the sweatpants on and thankfully with the drawstring they stayed securely on her hips. She replaced her wet cami and bra with Chris's t-shirt and lastly pulled his hoodie back over her head. It smelled like him and she inhaled its scent one more time before joining Chris and Lisa back downstairs.

Chris and Lisa were both sitting in the living room. Chris in the huge recliner and Lisa across him on the couch. There were 3 cups of hot chocolate sitting on the coffee table.

Chris grinned at Livie grabbing her by the hand he pulled her down to sit against him on the arm of the chair.

"Better?" Chris asked.

Livie nodded still feeling shy.

"Good." Chris rubbed her legs with his trying to warm her up. "So Ma, officially this is Livie, Livie my Mom Lisa."

"It's really nice to meet you." Livie smiled sincerely. "I'm sorry I showed up at your doorstep like a drowned rat."

Lisa laughed, "Impossible, Livie you are even more beautiful then Chris tried to describe. I'm so glad to finally meet you. He talks about you nonstop."

"Mom." Chris's face flushed red.

"Sorry." Lisa apologized with a smile and playful roll of her eyes, "Are you going to come to Carly's bonfire tomorrow night?"

"We're not sure yet." Chris looked at Livie.

"Well I hope that you do. It's not going to be a lot of people. The kids are excited for smores and I know everyone wants to meet you Livie."

"We'll be there." Livie replied. How could she say no to his mom?

They finally left Lisa's at 10:00 that evening. The weather had cleared up and Chris was sure that Dodger was going crazy back at his house.

"Are you sure you want to go to the bon fire tomorrow night? No pressure. I know my mom can be a little pushy." Chris asked as they walked into his bedroom.

"Yeah I want to go. I feel like I will look snobby if we don't." She admitted with a laugh.

"Seriously?" Chris chuckled, "No one will think you're snobby. Just make sure you're comfortable with it."

"I am." She assured him.

Livie's nerves grew as the next day went on. She was excited to meet his family, but this was such a big deal for her. When they arrived at his sisters house she almost felt sick to her stomach.

Chris pulled her up to the front door. He didn't bother to ring the door bell or knock, he just pushed the door open. There weren't many people inside but Chris stopped saying hello and introducing Livie. They made their way out back and Livie was grateful she still had Chris's sweatshirt and was wearing it. It was definitely fall.

"Hey guys!" Scott grinned widely walking up he hugged Livie tightly before doing the same to his brother.

"See you know one person." Chris whispered in her ear, "Two. There's mom."

They walked over to his mom where Livie was introduced to Chris's sisters as well as his niece and nephews.

Livie ended up having a great time at the bonfire. She got along wonderfully with his sisters and she wasn't ready to go when it was over. She promised she would be back to visit soon. Lisa insisted that Chris and her come to brunch at her house in the morning. All of Chris's siblings would be there and his niece and nephews. Livie agreed immediately.

When they got back to Chris's Livie decided to take a quick shower before going to bed even though she was exhausted.

She walked back into the bathroom after her shower, drying her hair in her towel. Chris was standing by the nightstand with her phone in his hand,  a confused look on his face.

"You had dinner with Chace last week?"

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