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Livie pushed the door that led to the roof top terrace at Sebastian's apartment open and walked out inhaling the cool air. She shivered and mentally cursed herself for not grabbing a sweater or sweatshirt before coming to Seb's.

"Here." Chace walked out behind her seconds later, tossing her his black hooded jacket.

"Thanks." She laughed as she caught it. She pulled it over her arms and snuggled into it. "I guess the cold weather is officially here."

"I think that it is." Chace agreed looking out over the skyline.

"So, Tessa's a part of the group then now?" Livie glanced at Chace as she sat down on a nearby patio chair.

Chase shrugged, "We're just hanging out."

"Like we hung out?" Livie regretted saying it the moment it left her lips.

Chase gave her an amused smile, "Are you asking if I've slept with her?"

"No, forget I said anything."

"I'll choose to not answer that." He looked away.

"She sure is making herself comfy. I don't want her stealing one of my best friends away."

"JJ is nothing if not loyal to you." Chase assured her with a chuckle.

"I didn't mean JJ." Livie's eyes met his.

"Ouch. Saying it out loud hurts. Friend Zoned." He laughed sitting down in the chair opposite her.

Livie rolled her eyes, "Let's talk about something else, shall we?"

"Sure." Chace agreed, "You're coming to my Halloween party Saturday, right?"

"Wouldn't miss it. Never have. But I wanted to ask.... would it be ok if Chris came?" She winced as she asked.

"Oh." Chace ran his hands along his pants over his thighs, "Yeah that's cool. I mean he is your boyfriend."

"Thank you. It won't be awkward for you will it?"

"No." He said softly with a smile.

Livie returned his smile, "What are you dressing up as this year?"

"You'll have to wait and see!" He teased her, his eyes wide.

"Not fair! We always planned our costumes together!"

"That's cause we always went as a couple." He reminded her.

That was true. Livie thought back over the past couple Halloweens. Last year they had gone as Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf. The year before that, a sailor and a mermaid. One year they were Sandy and Danny from Grease.

"It will be weird not dressing up together this year." Livie said thoughtfully out loud.

Chace shrugged. "You and Chris going to do a theme?"

"I don't know. I don't even have my costume planned yet." She frowned. "Are you and Tessa?"

Chace shook his head, "Nah. I'm flying solo this year."

"Well I cannot wait to see what you are. I guess I need to figure out who I'll be."

"You'll think of something great you always do."

They stayed outside talking on the terrace until Livie was shivering and practically turning blue from being cold.

"I got our Halloween costumes." Livie told Chris over the phone a couple days later.

"Oh it's a costume party?"

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