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August the following year

"Olivia Hart." Livie answered her work line as she scanned through her emails.

"Hey Liv."

"Sebastian?" Livie almost dropped the phone. She hadn't talked to Seb in months. After her trip to England things never resolved between anyone in the group. Besides Dex, who still seemed cool towards Livie especially after he learned she had begun rebuilding her relationship with her parents. Her dad was still in remission. Her mom apologized for not having all the correct information before showing up at Livie's doorstep. They both apologized for the atmosphere Livie and Dex had grown up in. Charles admitted he had made the ultimate mistake when cheating on Diane and he saw the way it had finally destroyed the family. He had vowed to not make that mistake with Maggie and Sofia. Livie enjoyed having a little sister and they would facetime often. Livie was planning another trip to England and her father, Maggie and Sofia were planning on coming to New York. Livie hadn't spoken to Chace in months. When she told him she couldn't date him he had backed off. It hurt her, loosing his friendship but she wasn't able to give him what he wanted or needed. And then of course there was Chris. She hadn't talked to him at all since they officially had broken up. She kept hoping she would wake up one morning and it wouldn't hurt any longer. But so far that day had yet to come. So she would push through the day in hopes that the next day would be that day.

"How are you?" Seb asked.

"I'm good. I'm a little surprised to hear from you." She leaned back in her chair.

"I was going to call your cell phone but wasn't sure you would answer." He admitted.

"You're the one who's mad at me, remember?"

"That's fair. But I guess you have the right be mad at me after what went down with JJ."


"How is JJ?" He asked cautiously.

"She's really good."

"Good. I really messed that one up."

"Yes you did."

"Thanks." Seb chuckled.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm good. I just got back in town. And last night I thought someone was banging on my door. I thought for sure it was you. I miss you Liv."

"I miss you too. I've missed busting into your home whenever I please." She laughed.

"I'm sorry for blaming you for what happened with Chace and Chris. Granted things could have been handled better, but you're like my little sister and I treated you like shit."

"That's ok, my own brother hasn't been treating me much better."

"I heard about you and your parents. That's intense. How are things going?"

"Really good actually. Taking it one day at time. I wish Dex would give it a chance."

"I'm sure he'll come around."


"So......I called because I was hoping you would come to my birthday party."

"Oh." Livie sat up in her chair. "When is it?"

"Saturday. And I know it's late notice. I should have invited you weeks ago but last night when I thought it was you banging on my door made me realize I needed to fix things with you."

"Can JJ come? Not sure if she will." Livie added quickly.

"Of course. She's actually next on my apology list to call."

"Wow how long is that list?" Livie laughed.

"Too long. I hope to see you Saturday. I will text you all the details."

"Ok. Bye Seb."

"Bye Liv."

Saturday night Livie climbed out of the uber with JJ behind her at the venue Seb was having his party. Unlike last year this wasn't a masquerade and this place was much fancier. They took the elevator to the 12th floor. The party had started at 9 and it was after 10 by the time JJ and Livie had arrived. There was an indoor and outdoor area and close to 70 people there.

"You came!" Seb grinned walking over to them.

"Happy Birthday." Livie returned his smile and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you." He turned to JJ who gave him a hug as well. Livie had found out that they had talked it out and JJ had forgiven him. Livie could tell things were already less stressed.

"Want a drink?" Seb asked.

"Yes." Livie nodded desperately.

Seb led the way to the bar leaving them to order drinks.

"Well well well."

Livie turned as she instantly recognized the voice. Chace.

"Chace!" She smiled warmly.

"Hey Liv." He grinned back leaning on the bar next to her. "JJ."

"Hey stranger." JJ reached around Livie to give him a hug.

"Well what about me?" Livie pretended to pout.

"Get over here." Chace pulled her into his arms.

"How are you?" Livie asked her voice muffled by Chace's chest.

"What?" Chace pulled back with a laugh.

"I said how are you?"

"I'm good. About to head to back Toronto for work. How are you?"

"I'm ok. Listen I want to apologize to you. I need to apologize to you."

Chace held his hand up stopping her. "Livie you owe me no apology. I'm sorry I just disappeared. It was hard to swallow being rejected by you......again." He smiled letting her know there were no hard feelings.

"I'm sorry. You deserve so much better."

"I know." He teased bumping her with his elbow.

"I'm glad to see you. I've missed you. I've missed Seb. I just miss the group."

"Me too." Chace agreed. "I don't go back to Toronto until Thursday so I say tomorrow night, Seb's place for cards."

"Absolutely!" Livie agreed.

Dex showed up at the party and he and Livie were also able to work things out.

"I'm not saying you have to go to London." Livie took a sip of her drink, "But when they come visit just come to dinner. Sofia is precious. She deserves to get to have the same big brother I've been blessed to have."

"Is that flattery?" Dex laughed.

Livie nodded, "But also the truth."

"Fine. Dinner. That's all I'm agreeing too. And you can't be the cook."

Livie laughed, "Why start now?" She stood up. "I'm going to go outside and get some fresh air."

She walked to the outdoor area and couldn't help but smile at the skyline. The air felt exactly how it had a year ago when she had walked out onto the balcony and found Chris. Her heart contracted as she relived that night. The hurt from everything they had gone through still felt so fresh. She was starting to believe it would never stop.

"Livie?" A deep voice called to her.

Livie spun around, her heart beating out of her chest, "Chris?"

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